Bibliographic description: | Belinska K. Comprehensive evaluation of animal milk / K. Belinska, N. Falendysh, V. Kovbasa // Bulletin of TNTU — Ternopil : TNTU, 2014. — Volume 73. — No 1. — P 281-286. — (chemistry. chemical, biological and food technology). |
Оскільки основою молочних продуктів для дитячого харчування, що виготовляються в Україні, є коров’яче молоко, компоненти якого справляють негативний вплив на незрілий організм дитини, тому пошук замінника коров’ячого молока є актуальною проблемою у сфері виробництва дитячого харчування. Як замінник коров’ячого молока запропоновано дослідити молоко домашніх тварин – кози та кобили. Дослідження спрямовані на визначення складу молока та його фізико-хімічних властивостей. З цією метою було кількісно визначено основні складові козячого та кобилячого молока – масову частку білка, масову частку жиру та масову частку лактози. Також для порівняння фізико- хімічних характеристик молока кози й кобили з молоком корови було проведено дослідження з визначення кислотності сухого молока та масової частки вологи у сухому молоці.
The basis of dairy products for baby feeding, produced in Ukraine, is cow’s milk. There are frequent cases of cow’s milk components negative influence on the baby immature organism. The most common are cases of infant organism cow’s milk protein intolerance or allergic reactions to cow’s milk contents. This is because the cow’s milk content differs greatly from the content of human milk. That is why the research of the cow’s milk substitute is an urgent problem in the baby feeding production. As a cow’s milk substitute goat’s and mare’s milk were proposed to be examined. Literature data confirm the advantages of these animals’ milk over the cow’s milk. The content of many goat and mare milk components are close in their content to human milk. Thus, the ratio of casein and whey proteins in cow’s and goat’s milk is very similar, however, in spite of the similarity of the protein and fat absolute level in cow’s and goat’s milk, their qualitative composition is very different. Casein fraction of cow’s milk protein consists mainly of alpha-S-1-casein, whereas in goat’s milk casein proteins of this type are not available. A clot formed in a baby’s stomach while goat’s milk digestion is much smaller in size than that formed while the cow’s milk digestion, which results in easier digestion for an infant. It is also similar to the clot formed while human milk digestion. Mare’s milk proteins belong to albuminous group, like human milk proteins. During mare’s milk setting a solid clot is not formed the protein falls as small delicate layers. In addition, great importance is given to amino acid composition of milk proteins. Our studies confirm the advantages of goat’s milk and mare’s milk over cow’s milk. The study was aimed to determine the milk composition and its physical and chemical peculiarities. For this purpose, the main ingredients of goat’s and mare’s milk were determined quantitatively: basic contents of protein, fat and lactose. Also, to compare the physical and chemical characteristics of goat’s, mare’s and cow’s milk, the examination was conducted for determining the milk acidity and moisture contents in the dried milk. This study allows to evaluate each type of milk for its rational use in the manufacture of milk-based products for baby feeding. |