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Integration of magnetic amplifier switch model into computer aided design for power converters

НазваIntegration of magnetic amplifier switch model into computer aided design for power converters
Назва англійськоюIntegration of magnetic amplifier switch model into computer aided design for power converters
АвториAnna Yaskiv (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1806-1322); Bohdan Yavorskyy (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4215-1176)
ПринадлежністьTernopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Бібліографічний описIntegration of magnetic amplifier switch model into computer aided design for power converters / Anna Yaskiv; Bohdan Yavorskyy / Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern. : TNTU, 2019. — Vol 94. — No 2. — P. 123–133. — (Mathematical modeling. Mathematics).
Bibliographic description:Yaskiv A.; Yavorskyy B. (2019) Integration of magnetic amplifier switch model into computer aided design for power converters.Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol. 94, no 2, pp. 123-133.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33108/visnyk_tntu2019.02.123


Ключові слова

mathematical model, magnetic amplifier switch, CAD programme, magnetic hysteresis, computer simulation.

The designing of electrical power converters based on Magnetic Amplifier (MagAmp) switches is not fully automated. MagAmp is a magnetic component with nonlinear properties. Computer aided design (CAD) programmes are built to simulate electric circuits without electromagnetic field with distributed components. There is a problem of integration of a model of a component with magnetic hysteresis into the set of CAD models. In addition, estimation of the optimal parameters of such a component is rather complicated. The article proposes a new model of MagAmp switch which is based on a function that can be generated using digital technology. The digital generator of sinusoidal signals, consisting of discrete digital components for modeling the MagAmp switch, is investigated. Integration of the model into CAD programme and simulation of the electric circuit, which includes MagAmp switch, are obtained. Partial automation will reduce complexity, duration and cost of the design procedure, and will enhance the development of power converters.

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The designing of electrical power converters based on Magnetic Amplifier (MagAmp) switches is not fully automated. MagAmp is a magnetic component with nonlinear properties. Computer aided design (CAD) programmes are built to simulate electric circuits without electromagnetic field with distributed components. There is a problem of integration of a model of a component with magnetic hysteresis into the set of CAD models. In addition, estimation of the optimal parameters of such a component is rather complicated. The article proposes a new model of MagAmp switch which is based on a function that can be generated using digital technology. The digital generator of sinusoidal signals, consisting of discrete digital components for modeling the MagAmp switch, is investigated. Integration of the model into CAD programme and simulation of the electric circuit, which includes MagAmp switch, are obtained. Partial automation will reduce complexity, duration and cost of the design procedure, and will enhance the development of power converters.


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