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Forecasting potential risks of leakage on gas pipelines

НазваForecasting potential risks of leakage on gas pipelines
Назва англійськоюForecasting potential risks of leakage on gas pipelines
АвториVolodymyr Grudz (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1182-2512); Vasyl Zapukhlyak (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2502-3896); Volodymyr Grudz (junior) (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6014-5290); Lubomyr Poberezhnyi (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6197-1060); Nataliya Drin (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2386-6996); Roman Stasyuk (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6357-6515)
ПринадлежністьIvano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Бібліографічний описForecasting potential risks of leakage on gas pipelines / Grudz V.; Zapukhlyak V.; Grudz V.(junior); Poberezhnyi L.; Drin N.; Stasyuk R. / Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern. : TNTU, 2019. — Vol 96. — No 4. — P. 32–38.
Bibliographic description:Grudz V.; Zapukhlyak V.; Grudz V.(junior); Poberezhnyi L.; Drin N.; Stasyuk R. (2019) Forecasting potential risks of leakage on gas pipelines. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol 96, no 4, pp. 32–38.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33108/visnyk_tntu2019.04.032


Ключові слова

gas pipelines, diagnostics, failure, leak, statistics, distribution of values.

Long-term operation of the gas pipelines causes the metal aging because of the corrosion processes and accidents, which results in gas leak of pipelines. It is improvident from both economic and ecological points of view, as the gas leak can cause the gas hazard of great territory and in some cases formation of the gas-air mixture and exposure, as the result of which there happen to be sufficient economic losses and danger for human lives. In the paper statistic analysis of accidents at the pipelines has been carried out, which will make possible to estimate the level of influence of different factors on the probability of arising the leaks and their sizes. It was revealed, that under the pipelines corrosion damage the insufficient leaks are the most possible, and in accidents caused by the influence of the external forces sufficient leaks are the most probable. The appearance of the gas leak from the gas-pipe is generally known to be caused by the non-stationary process according to the nature of which the leak amount can be estimated. If the gas-pipe before the appearance of leak has been operating in the non-stationary regime, the appearance of leak will result in disturbing in the non-stationary process. To reveal the leak the pumping over flow is modeled in the place of leak basing on the determination approach as well as its duration relatively the sizes of the leak. The available determination mathematic models for revealing the leaks need information on the amount of losses of the leak and geometric sizes of the accident hole, which is not available in the moment of accident. That is why the model, which makes possible to predict the amount of leak in whole in all types of failures and some reasons of failures basing on the statistic data have been developed in the paper. It makes possible to choose the most efficient solutions for the diagnostics and preventing the leaks in the main pipelines.

Перелік літератури
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  1. Grudz V. Ya., Tymkiv D. F., Yakovlev E. Y. Obcluzhyvanye hazotrancportnыkh cyctem. K.: UMKVO, 1991. 159 р.
  2. Grudz V. Ya., Tymkiv D. F., Mykhalkiv V. B. ta in. Obsluhovuvannia i remont hazoprovodiv. Ivano-Frankivsk: Lileia-NV, 2009. 711 р.
  3. Grudz V. Ya., Kovalko M. P., Mykhalkiv V. B. ta in. Truboprovidnyi transport hazu. K.: ArenaEKO, 2002. 600 р.
  4. Serediuk M. D., Malyk V. Ya., Bolonnyi V. T. Proektuvannia ta ekspluatatsiia system hazopostachannia naselenykh punktiv: navch. posibnyk. Ivano-Frankivsk: Fakel, 2003. 140 р.
  5. Stasiuk R. B., Zapukhliak V. B., Belei O. I., Pyrih T. Iu., Tutko T. F. Vplyv nerivnomirnosti hazospozhyvannia na nestatsionarnyi protses, vyklykanyi poiavoiu vytoku hazu z hazoprovodu. Naftohazova haluz Ukrainy. 2018. № 4. Р. 22–26.
  6. Grudz V. Ya., Grudz Ya. V. (junior), Drin N. Ya., Stasiuk R. B. The research of gas leak from the. Journal of hydrocarbon power engineering. 2014. № 2. P. 103–107.
  7. Grudz V. Ya., Grudz V. Ya. (junior), Zapukhlyak V. B., Kyzymyshyn Ya. V. Non-stationary processes in the gas transmission systems at compressor stations shut-down. Journal of hydrocarbon power engineering. 2018. № 1 (5). P. 22–28.
  8. Olijnyk A., Shtaier L., Belei O., Stasyuk R., Yasinetska I. Modeling of the filtration processes in a rectangular area soils using the darcy. Eastern-European Journal of Enterprise Technologies.
    Volume 6/10 (90). 2017. Р. 24–30.
  9. Honcharuk M. I. Analiz prychyn vtrat pryrodnoho hazu. Naftova i hazova promyslovist. 2003. № 1.
    Р. 51–53.
  10. Hukhman A. A. Vvedenye v teoryiu podobyia. M.: Vychshaia shkola, 1973. 254 р.
  11. New concept single signature vibration monitoring through the lifetimes of an engine. Aireraft Engeneering. 1979. 51. 3. P. 21–22.

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