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Influence of magneto-abrasive machining duration on the precision of HSS taps

НазваInfluence of magneto-abrasive machining duration on the precision of HSS taps
Назва англійськоюInfluence of magneto-abrasive machining duration on the precision of HSS taps
АвториVictor Maiboroda (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6902-6928); Dmytro Tarhan; Oleksiy Byelyayev; Dmytro Dzhulii (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8863-626X)
ПринадлежністьNational Technical University of Ukraine «Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute», Kyiv, Ukraine «ZOM Oberflächenbearbeitung GmbH», Magdeburg, Germany
Бібліографічний описInfluence of magneto-abrasive machining duration on the precision of HSS taps / Victor Maiboroda; Dmytro Tarhan; Oleksiy Byelyayev; Dmytro Dzhulii / Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern. : TNTU, 2019. — Vol 96. — No 4. — P. 70–76.
Bibliographic description:Maiboroda V.; Tarhan D.; Byelyayev O.; Dzhulii D. (2019) Influence of magneto-abrasive machining duration on the precision of HSS taps. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol 96, no 4, pp. 70–76.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33108/visnyk_tntu2019.04.070


Ключові слова

tap, precision, magneto-abrasive machining.

The article presents the results of a research of the influence of magneto-abrasive machining duration on the precision of HSS taps with various diameters. Magneto-abrasive machining of taps under correctly selected conditions does not leads to a critical change in diameters, which during operation can lead to discarded parts. The reduction of diameter occurs in the first 3–6 minutes of machining. The reason for this is the removal of burrs from the tops of the teeth, grinding defects and rounding of the cutting edges of the tool. The reduction of diameter is cyclically repeated. This is due to the cyclic change in the physical and mechanical properties of thin surface layers of the material of tool and their periodic removal.

Перелік літератури
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  6. Karpuschewski B., Byelyayev O., Maiboroda V. S. Magneto-Abrasive Machining for the Mechanical Preparation of High-Speed Steel Twist Drills. CIRP Annals. Manufacturing Technology. 2009. № 58. P. 295–298. doi:10.1016/j.cirp.2009.03.046.
  7. Cheung F. Y., Zhou Z. F., Geddam A., Li K. Y. Cutting edge preparation using magnetic polishing and its influence on the performance of high-speed steel drills. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2008. Vol. 208 (1–3). Р. 196–204.
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  9. Akulovich L. M., Srgeev L. E., Lebedev V. Ya. Osnovy magnitno-abrazivnoj obrabotki metallicheskih poverhnostej. Minsk: BGATU, 2012. 316 p. [Іn Russian].
  10. Homich N. S. Magnitno-abrazivnaya obrabotka izdelij. Minsk: BNTU, 2006. 218 p. [Іn Russian].
  11. Byelyaev O. Erhöhung der Leistungsfähigkiet von HSS Spiralbohrern durch Einsatz der magnetabrasiven Bearbeitung. Dissertation Dr.-Ing. Magdeburg, 2008. 149 p.
  12. Keksin A. I. Povyshenie kachestva vnutrennih rezbovyh poverhnostej na osnove predvaritelnogo magnitno-abrazivnogo polirovaniya slozhnoprofilnogo instrumenta: diss. … kand. tek. nauk. Sankt-Peterburg, 2008. 149 p. [n Russian]
  13. Homenko V. A., Ikonnikov A. M., Bogdanov A. V. Magnitno-abrazivnaya obrabotka metchikov. Polzunovskij vesnik. 2012. No. 1/1. P. 318–320. [Іn Russian].
  14. Tarhan D. V., Maiboroda V. S., Dzhulii D. Yu. Analiz intensyvnosti mahnitno-abrazyvnoho obroblennia mitchykiv v zalezhnosti vid kinematychnykh parametriv protsesu. Visnyk KrNU imeni M. Ostrohradskoho. 2017. Vol. 106. Р. 82–88. [Іn Ukrainian].
  15. Tarhan D. V., Maiboroda V. S. Vplyv mahnitno-abrazyvnoho obroblennia na tverdist ta strukturu materialu mitchykiv iz shvydkorizalnoi stali. Visnyk KhNTU. Inzhenerni nauky. 2017. Vol. 61. Р. 119–125. [Іn Ukrainian].
  16. Maiboroda V. S. Osnovy stvorennia i vykorystannia poroshkovoho mahnitno-abrazyvnoho instrumentu dlia finishnoi obrobky fasonnykh poverkhon: diss. … dokt. tekhn. nauk, Kyiv. 2001. 404 p. [Іn Ukrainian].
  1. Kireev G. I. Proektirovanie metchikov i kruglyh plashek: uchebnoe posobie. Ulyanovsk: UlGTU, 2008. 107 p. [Іn Russian].
  2. Maiboroda V. S., Slobodianiuk I. V., Dzhulii D. Yu. Magnitno-abrazivnaya obrabotka detalej slozhnoj formy. Zhitomir: Ruta Publ., 2017. 272 p. [Іn Russian].
  3. Dyubner L. G., Maiboroda V. S., Ivanovskii A. A. Magnitno-abrazivnaya obrabotka koncevogo rezhushchego instrumenta. Vestnik NTUU KPI. Mashinostroenie. 2003. Vol. 44. Р. 107–108. [Іn Russian].
  4. Denkena B., Köhler J., Mengesha M. S. Influence of the cutting edge rounding on the chip formation process: Part 1. Investigation of material flow, process forces, and cutting temperature. Prod. Eng. Res. 2012. Vol. 6. Р. 329–338. doi:10.1007/s11740-012-0366-x.
  5. Tikal F., Bienemann R., Heckmann L. Schneidkantenpräparation Ziele, Verfahren und Messmethoden. Berichte aus Industrie und Forschung. Kassel, Kassel University Press GmbH, 2009. 193 p.
  6. Karpuschewski B., Byelyayev O., Maiboroda V. S. Magneto-Abrasive Machining for the Mechanical Preparation of High-Speed Steel Twist Drills. CIRP Annals. Manufacturing Technology. 2009. № 58. P. 295–298. doi:10.1016/j.cirp.2009.03.046.
  7. Cheung F. Y., Zhou Z. F., Geddam A., Li K. Y. Cutting edge preparation using magnetic polishing and its influence on the performance of high-speed steel drills. Journal of Materials Processing Technology. 2008. Vol. 208 (1–3). Р. 196–204.
  8. Baron Yu. M. Magnitno-abrazivnaya i magnitnaya obrabotka izdelij i rezhushchih instrumentov. Leningrad. Mashinostroenie Publ. 1986. 176 p. [Іn Russian].
  9. Akulovich L. M., Srgeev L. E., Lebedev V. Ya. Osnovy magnitno-abrazivnoj obrabotki metallicheskih poverhnostej. Minsk: BGATU, 2012. 316 p. [Іn Russian].
  10. Homich N. S. Magnitno-abrazivnaya obrabotka izdelij. Minsk: BNTU, 2006. 218 p. [Іn Russian].
  11. Byelyaev O. Erhöhung der Leistungsfähigkiet von HSS Spiralbohrern durch Einsatz der magnetabrasiven Bearbeitung. Dissertation Dr.-Ing. Magdeburg, 2008. 149 p.
  12. Keksin A. I. Povyshenie kachestva vnutrennih rezbovyh poverhnostej na osnove predvaritelnogo magnitno-abrazivnogo polirovaniya slozhnoprofilnogo instrumenta: diss. … kand. tek. nauk. Sankt-Peterburg, 2008. 149 p. [n Russian]
  13. Homenko V. A., Ikonnikov A. M., Bogdanov A. V. Magnitno-abrazivnaya obrabotka metchikov. Polzunovskij vesnik. 2012. No. 1/1. P. 318–320. [Іn Russian].
  14. Tarhan D. V., Maiboroda V. S., Dzhulii D. Yu. Analiz intensyvnosti mahnitno-abrazyvnoho obroblennia mitchykiv v zalezhnosti vid kinematychnykh parametriv protsesu. Visnyk KrNU imeni M. Ostrohradskoho. 2017. Vol. 106. Р. 82–88. [Іn Ukrainian].
  15. Tarhan D. V., Maiboroda V. S. Vplyv mahnitno-abrazyvnoho obroblennia na tverdist ta strukturu materialu mitchykiv iz shvydkorizalnoi stali. Visnyk KhNTU. Inzhenerni nauky. 2017. Vol. 61. Р. 119–125. [Іn Ukrainian].
  16. Maiboroda V. S. Osnovy stvorennia i vykorystannia poroshkovoho mahnitno-abrazyvnoho instrumentu dlia finishnoi obrobky fasonnykh poverkhon: diss. … dokt. tekhn. nauk, Kyiv. 2001. 404 p. [Іn Ukrainian].

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