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Methodology of analytical research of the microclimate of the bus drivers cab using the ANSYS-FLUENT software environment

НазваMethodology of analytical research of the microclimate of the bus drivers cab using the ANSYS-FLUENT software environment
Назва англійськоюMethodology of analytical research of the microclimate of the bus drivers cab using the ANSYS-FLUENT software environment
АвториYurii Voichyshyn, Kostyantyn Holenko, Orest Horbay, Volodymyr Honchar
ПринадлежністьLviv National Polytechnic University, Lviv, Ukraine Khmelnytskyi National University. Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
Бібліографічний описMethodology of analytical research of the microclimate of the bus drivers cab using the ANSYS-FLUENT software environment / Yurii Voichyshyn, Kostyantyn Holenko, Orest Horbay, Volodymyr Honchar // Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern.: TNTU, 2023. — Vol 109. — No 1. — P. 90–98.
Bibliographic description:Voichyshyn Yu., Holenko K., Horbay O., Honchar V. (2023) Methodology of analytical research of the microclimate of the bus drivers cab using the ANSYS-FLUENT software environment. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol 109, no 1, pp. 90–98.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33108/visnyk_tntu2023.01.090


Ключові слова

heating system, microclimate, driver’s workplace, air flow, air circulation, FEA, air temperature, air velocity, thermal state. ANSYS-Fluent.

The article analyzes the current state of microclimate problems in vehicle cabins, studied in the world and in Ukraine. An analysis of the scientific research of some scientists working in this field is carried out, as well as the state of regulatory documentation, both abroad and in Ukraine. With the help of mathematical dependencies, a description of the theory of air mass transfer is provided. Calculations of air flows in the front part of the bus cabin, in particular in the driver's working area, were carried out using the ANSYS-Fluent software environment.

Перелік літератури
  1. Y. Voichyshyn, O. Horbay, E. Yakovenko. Stugy of the heating system of a city bus. Int. sym. of education and values. Vol. 4. No. 24. 2020, P. 70.
  2. L. Kraynuk, Yu. Gay, “Mikroklimat salonu avtobusa. Formuvannya normatyvnoyi bazy.”, in Proc. 3th Ukrainian Conf. Avtobusobuduvannya ta pasazhyrski perevezennya v Ukraini. Lviv, Ukraine, February 22–23. 2018. P. 14–15. [In Ukrainian].
  3. GOST R 50993-96. Avtransportnyye sryedstva. Sistemy otopleniya, ventilyatsii i konditsionirovaniya. Trebovaniya k effektivnosti i bezopasnosti. Moskva: IPK izdatyelstvo standartov, 1997. 11 p. [In Russian].
  4. DSTU B EN ISO 7730: 2011. Erhonomika teplovoho seredovyshcha. Analitychne vyznachennya ta interpretatsiya teplovoho komfortu na osnovi rozrahunkiv pokaznykiv PMV I PPD i kryteriyiv lokalnoho teplovoho komfortu. Kyiv, Minrehion Ukrayiny, 2012. 74 p. [In Ukrainian]
  5. Kravchenko О. P., Chuyko S. P. Doslidzennya teplovoho balansu salonu avtobusa u teplyy period roku. Visnyk shidnoukrayinskoho natsionalnoho universytetu im. V. Dalya. No. 3 (251). 2019. Р. 101–106. [In Ukrainian].
  6. Chuyko S. P., Kravchenko А. P. Kriterii teplovoy nahruzki kabiny voditelya avtobusa MAZ-206 v letniy period ekspluatatsii. East European Scientific Journal. No. 10 (62). 2020. P. 62–67.
  7. Kravchenko O., Hrabar I., Gerlici J., Chuiko S., Kravchenko K. Forming Comfortable Microclimate in the Bus Compartment via Determining the Heat Loss. Communications – Scientific letters of the University of Zilina. No. 23 (2). 2021. Р. 150–157.
  8. Kruts Т. І., Zinko R. V., Muzychka D. H., Cherevko Y. M. Doslidzhennya shvydkisnyh і temperaturnyh pokaznykiv v protsesi ventylyatsiyi salonu avtobusa. Prohresyvna tehnika, tehnolohiya tа іnzhenerna osvita (PRTK-2019). Кyiv-Kherson, 2019. Р. 174–179. [In Ukrainian].
  9. Ş. Ünal. An Experimental Study on a Bus Air Conditioner to Determine its Conformity to Design and Comfort Conditions. Yildiz Technical University Press, 2017. P. 1089–1101.
  10. M. Bilgili, E. Cardak, A. E. Aktas. Thermodynamic Analysis of Bus Air Conditioner Working with Refrigerant R600a. European Mechanical Science. Vol. 1. No. 2. 2017. P. 69–75.
  11. M. Hegar, M. Kolda, M. Kopecka, V. Rajtmajer, A. Ryska. Bus HVAC energy consumption test method based on HVAC unit behavior. International Journal of Refrigeration. No. 36. 2013. P. 1254–1262.
  12. Ç. Kutlu, Ş. Ünal, M.T. Erdinç. Thermodynamic analysis of bi-avaporater ejector refrigeration cycle using R744 as natural refrigerant. Journal of Thermal Engineering. Vol. 2. No. 2. 2016. P. 735–740.
  13. B. T. Jaime, F. Bjurling, J. M. Corberan, F. D. Sciullo, J. Paya. Transient thermal model of a vehicle's cabin validated under variable ambient conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering. No. 75. 2015. P. 45–53.
  14. O. Solmaz, M. Ozgoren, M.H. Aksoy. Hourly cooling load prediction of a vehicle in the southern region of Turkey by Artificial Neural Network. Energy Conversion and Management. No. 82. 2014. P. 177–187.
  15. M. K. Mansour, M. N. Musa, M. N.W. Hassan, K. M. Saqr. Development of novel strategy for multiple circuit, roof top bus air conditioning system in hot humid countries. Energy Conversion and Management. No. 49. 2008. P. 1455–1468.
  16. O. Büyükalaca, T. Yılmaz, Ş. Ünal, E. Cihan, E. Hürdoğan. Calculation of cooling load of a bus using radiant time series (RTS) method. 6th Int. Adv. Tech. Sym. (IATS’11), 2011. P. 227–230. [In Turkish].
  17. Dr. S. Paulke, F. Artmeier, Dr. K.-E. Yildirim, Dr. V. Bader, Prof. Dr. A. Gubner. P+Z Engineering GmbH. Volkswagen Research, MAN, 13 р.
  18. S. Nyemyy, М. Hynda. Vplyv konstruktyvnyh osoblyvostey teplorozpodilchyh prystroyiv na efektyvnist systemy opalennya avtobusiv. Lvіv, 2019. P. 84–85. [In Ukrainian].
  19. E. E. Johansson, M. Skärby. Interior climate simulation of electric buses. Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences Chalmers university of technology. 2019. 60 р.
  20. Dr.-Ing. R. Basile. Challenges for air conditioning and heating solutions in electrobuses, SPHEROS, 7 p.
  21. D. Göhlich, T.-A. Ly, A. Kunith, D. Jefferies. Economic assessment of different air-conditioning and heating systems for electric city buses based on comprehensive energetic simulations. World Electric Vehicle Journal. No. 7. 2015. 9 р.
  22. T. Liu. Thermal Management Solutions for Battery Electric Buses in Cold Climates. Aalto University School of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering. 2019. 107 р.
  23.  E. Trygstad. R744 HVAC unit for NSB Flirt trains. Norwegian University of Technology and Science. 2017. 188 p.
  24. D. G. Melesse. Thermal Comfort for Passenger Train from Addis Ababa to Dire Dawa. Addis Ababa Institute of Technology School of Mechanical and Iindustrial Enginerring. 2014. 110 p.
  25. S. V. Yushko. Statsionarna teploprovidnist. Kharkiv, NTU “HPI”. 2011. 80 p.
  26. Rusanov A., Rusanov R., Lampart P., Designing and updating the flow part of axial and radial-axial turbines through mathematical modeling. Open Engineering. Vol. 5. 2015. P. 399–410.
  27. Starodubtsev Y. V., Gogolev I. G., Solodov V. G. Numerical 3D model of viscous turbulent flow in one stage gas turbine and its experimental validation. Journal of Thermal Science. Vol. 14. 2005. P. 136–141.
  28. Myroslav О. S., Bryzha М. R., Boyko V. B., Zolotovska О. V. Teplotehnika: osnovy termodynamiky, teoriya teploobminu, vykorystannya tepla v silskomu hospodarstvi. Dnipropetrovsk: TOV “ENEM”, 2011, 424 p. [In Ukrainian].
  1. Y. Voichyshyn, O. Horbay, E. Yakovenko. Stugy of the heating system of a city bus. Int. sym. of education and values. Vol. 4. No. 24. 2020, P. 70.
  2. L. Kraynuk, Yu. Gay, “Mikroklimat salonu avtobusa. Formuvannya normatyvnoyi bazy.”, in Proc. 3th Ukrainian Conf. Avtobusobuduvannya ta pasazhyrski perevezennya v Ukraini. Lviv, Ukraine, February 22–23. 2018. P. 14–15. [In Ukrainian].
  3. GOST R 50993-96. Avtransportnyye sryedstva. Sistemy otopleniya, ventilyatsii i konditsionirovaniya. Trebovaniya k effektivnosti i bezopasnosti. Moskva: IPK izdatyelstvo standartov, 1997. 11 p. [In Russian].
  4. DSTU B EN ISO 7730: 2011. Erhonomika teplovoho seredovyshcha. Analitychne vyznachennya ta interpretatsiya teplovoho komfortu na osnovi rozrahunkiv pokaznykiv PMV I PPD i kryteriyiv lokalnoho teplovoho komfortu. Kyiv, Minrehion Ukrayiny, 2012. 74 p. [In Ukrainian]
  5. Kravchenko О. P., Chuyko S. P. Doslidzennya teplovoho balansu salonu avtobusa u teplyy period roku. Visnyk shidnoukrayinskoho natsionalnoho universytetu im. V. Dalya. No. 3 (251). 2019. Р. 101–106. [In Ukrainian].
  6. Chuyko S. P., Kravchenko А. P. Kriterii teplovoy nahruzki kabiny voditelya avtobusa MAZ-206 v letniy period ekspluatatsii. East European Scientific Journal. No. 10 (62). 2020. P. 62–67.
  7. Kravchenko O., Hrabar I., Gerlici J., Chuiko S., Kravchenko K. Forming Comfortable Microclimate in the Bus Compartment via Determining the Heat Loss. Communications – Scientific letters of the University of Zilina. No. 23 (2). 2021. Р. 150–157.
  8. Kruts Т. І., Zinko R. V., Muzychka D. H., Cherevko Y. M. Doslidzhennya shvydkisnyh і temperaturnyh pokaznykiv v protsesi ventylyatsiyi salonu avtobusa. Prohresyvna tehnika, tehnolohiya tа іnzhenerna osvita (PRTK-2019). Кyiv-Kherson2019. Р. 174–179. [In Ukrainian].
  9. Ş. Ünal. An Experimental Study on a Bus Air Conditioner to Determine its Conformity to Design and Comfort Conditions. Yildiz Technical University Press, 2017. P. 1089–1101.
  10. M. Bilgili, E. Cardak, A. E. Aktas. Thermodynamic Analysis of Bus Air Conditioner Working with Refrigerant R600a. European Mechanical Science. Vol. 1. No. 2. 2017. P. 69–75.
  11. M. Hegar, M. Kolda, M. Kopecka, V. Rajtmajer, A. Ryska. Bus HVAC energy consumption test method based on HVAC unit behavior. International Journal of Refrigeration. No. 36. 2013. P. 1254–1262.
  12. Ç. Kutlu, Ş. Ünal, M.T. Erdinç. Thermodynamic analysis of bi-avaporater ejector refrigeration cycle using R744 as natural refrigerant. Journal of Thermal Engineering. Vol. 2. No. 2. 2016. P. 735–740.
  13. B. T. Jaime, F. Bjurling, J. M. Corberan, F. D. Sciullo, J. Paya. Transient thermal model of a vehicle's cabin validated under variable ambient conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering. No. 75. 2015. P. 45–53.
  14. O. Solmaz, M. Ozgoren, M.H. Aksoy. Hourly cooling load prediction of a vehicle in the southern region of Turkey by Artificial Neural Network. Energy Conversion and Management. No. 82. 2014. P. 177–187.
  15. M. K. Mansour, M. N. Musa, M. N.W. Hassan, K. M. Saqr. Development of novel strategy for multiple circuit, roof top bus air conditioning system in hot humid countries. Energy Conversion and Management. No. 49. 2008. P. 1455–1468.
  16. O. Büyükalaca, T. Yılmaz, Ş. Ünal, E. Cihan, E. Hürdoğan. Calculation of cooling load of a bus using radiant time series (RTS) method. 6th Int. Adv. Tech. Sym. (IATS’11), 2011. P. 227–230. [In Turkish].
  17. Dr. S. Paulke, F. Artmeier, Dr. K.-E. Yildirim, Dr. V. Bader, Prof. Dr. A. Gubner. P+Z Engineering GmbH. Volkswagen Research, MAN, 13 р.
  18. S. Nyemyy, М. Hynda. Vplyv konstruktyvnyh osoblyvostey teplorozpodilchyh prystroyiv na efektyvnist systemy opalennya avtobusiv. Lvіv, 2019. P. 84–85. [In Ukrainian].
  19. E. E. Johansson, M. Skärby. Interior climate simulation of electric buses. Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences Chalmers university of technology. 2019. 60 р.
  20. Dr.-Ing. R. Basile. Challenges for air conditioning and heating solutions in electrobuses, SPHEROS, 7 p.
  21. D. Göhlich, T.-A. Ly, A. Kunith, D. Jefferies. Economic assessment of different air-conditioning and heating systems for electric city buses based on comprehensive energetic simulations. World Electric Vehicle Journal. No. 7. 2015. 9 р.
  22. T. Liu. Thermal Management Solutions for Battery Electric Buses in Cold Climates. Aalto University School of Engineering Department of Mechanical Engineering. 2019. 107 р.
  23.  E. Trygstad. R744 HVAC unit for NSB Flirt trains. Norwegian University of Technology and Science. 2017. 188 p.
  24. D. G. Melesse. Thermal Comfort for Passenger Train from Addis Ababa to Dire Dawa. Addis Ababa Institute of Technology School of Mechanical and Iindustrial Enginerring. 2014. 110 p.
  25. S. V. Yushko. Statsionarna teploprovidnist. Kharkiv, NTU “HPI”. 2011. 80 p.
  26. Rusanov A., Rusanov R., Lampart P., Designing and updating the flow part of axial and radial-axial turbines through mathematical modeling. Open Engineering. Vol. 5. 2015. P. 399–410.
  27. Starodubtsev Y. V., Gogolev I. G., Solodov V. G. Numerical 3D model of viscous turbulent flow in one stage gas turbine and its experimental validation. Journal of Thermal Science. Vol. 14. 2005. P. 136–141.
  28. Myroslav О. S., Bryzha М. R., Boyko V. B., Zolotovska О. V. Teplotehnika: osnovy termodynamiky, teoriya teploobminu, vykorystannya tepla v silskomu hospodarstvi. Dnipropetrovsk: TOV “ENEM”, 2011, 424 p. [In Ukrainian].

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