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Experimental studies of the width of the swath of tops of root crops

НазваExperimental studies of the width of the swath of tops of root crops
Назва англійськоюExperimental studies of the width of the swath of tops of root crops
АвториViktor Baranovsky, Valentin Myronenko, Vitalii Pankiv
ПринадлежністьTernopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine Institute of Mechanics and Automatics of Agroindustrial production of the National Academy of Agrarian sciences of Ukraine, Glevakha, Ukraine
Бібліографічний описExperimental studies of the width of the swath of tops of root crops / Viktor Baranovsky, Valentin Myronenko, Vitalii Pankiv // Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern.: TNTU, 2024. — Vol 113. — No 1. — P. 131–142.
Bibliographic description:Baranovsky V., Myronenko V., Pankiv V. (2024) Experimental studies of the width of the swath of tops of root crops. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol 113, no 1, pp. 131–142.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33108/visnyk_tntu2024.01.131


Ключові слова

root crops, process, cut tops, screw conveyor, model, factors, parameters.

The search for effective technical solutions and scientific directions for substantiating the rational parameters of the working bodies of thick-cutting devices, which ensure an increase in the production of strategically important for the leading processing industries of Ukraine's economy (energy - biofuel; food - sugar, coffee; pharmaceutical - inulin) of technical crops or root crops is relevant and a significant direction of research, both for science and practice. The article presents the results of testing the adequacy of the developed analytical model, which functionally describes the process of unloading the cut root crop pulp onto the surface of the harvested field by the transport element (screw conveyor) of the pulp cutting module depending on the parameters of the screw conveyor. On the basis of the processing of the experimental data array, the regression equation of the change in the width of the formed swath of cut chaff was obtained depending on the input parameters: the speed of the chaff harvesting module, the chaff yield and the rotation frequency of the screw conveyor. It was established that within the range of variation of the input factors, the speed of movement of the module from 1.6 to 2.4 m/s, the yield of root crops from 120 to 180 t/ha and the rotation frequency of the screw conveyor from 40 to 100 rpm, the width of the formed roll of chopped the width of the swath is in the range from 0.5 to 1.4 m. The difference between the experimental and theoretical values of the width of the formed swath is within 5...10%. The obtained results of scientific research are a further step in the improvement of the methodology of optimizing the rational parameters of the working bodies of root-harvesting machines.

Перелік літератури
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4. Baranovskyi V. M., Pidhurskyi M. I., Pankiv M. R., Tesliuk V. V., Onyshchenko V. B. Osnovy rozrobky
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7. Ramsh V. Yu., Baranovskyi V. M., Pankiv M. R., Herasymchuk H. A.. Analiz tendentsii rozvytku
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8. Smal M. V., Herasymchuk O. O., Baranovskyi V. M. Matematychni modeli protsesu kopiiuvannia
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9. Voitiuk D. H., Baranovskyi V. M., Bulhakov V. M. ta in. Silskohospodarski mashyny. Osnovy teorii ta
rozrakhunku: pidruchnyk / za red. D. H. Voitiuka. K.: Vyshcha osvita, 2005. 464 p. [In Ukrainian].
10. Baranovskyi V. M. Rezultaty teoretychno-eksperymentalnykh doslidzhen sekundnoi podachi vorokhu
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11. Baranovsky V., Pankiv M., Kukhar O. et al. Results of the experimental investigations of fodder beets
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12. Boyko V., Baranovsky V., Pankiv V., Onyshchenko V., Marinenko S. The results of the study of the cutter
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13. Pankiv V. R., Tokarchuk O. A. Іnvestigation of constructive geometrical and filling coefficients of
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14. Hevko R. B., Yazlyuk B. O., Pankiv V. R. et al. Feasibility study of mixture transportation and stirring
process in continuous-flow conveyors. INMATEH – Agricultural engineering. 2017. Vol. 51. No. 1. 2017.
P. 49–58.
15. Baranovskyi V. M., Vyhovskyi A. Iu., Storozhuk I. M., Pankiv V. R. Rozrakhunok parametriv robochykhorhaniv hychkozbyralnykh mashyn: monohrafiia. K.: Komprynt, 2015. 242 p. [In Ukrainian]. 16. Berezhenko E., Pankiv М., Jobbagy Jan, Berezhenko B. Experimental research of the module for gathering plant of chicory roots. Scientific Journal of TNTU. 2021. No. 1 (101). P. 56–67.
17. Baranovsky V., Potapenko M. Theoretical analysis of the technological feed of lifted root crops. INMATEH – Agricultural Engineering. 2017. Vol. 51. No. 1. 2017. P. 29–38.
18. Baranovsky V., Dubchak N., Pankiv M. Experimental research of stripping the leaves from root crops. Acta Technologica Agriculturae. 2017. Vol. 20. No. 3.P. 69–73.
1. Baranovskyi V. M., Berezhenko Ye. B., Pankiv M. R., Berezhenko B. M., Boiko V. A. Tekhnolohichni
aspekty protsesiv roboty hychkozbyralnykh moduliv: monohrafiia. Ternopil: Redaktsiino-vydavnychyi
viddil Ternopilskoho natsionalnoho tekhnichnoho universytetu imeni Ivaha Puliuia, 2022. 294 р. [In
2. Boyko V. Mathematical model of the process of contact interaction of the copier with the head of the
chicory root crop. Scientific Journal of the TNTU. 2023. Vol. 111. No. 3. Р. 115–125.
3. Baranovskyi V., Herasymchuk H., Dubchak N., Berezhenko Ye., Boiko V. Eksperymentalni doslidzhennia
ahrobiolohichnykh kharakterystyk koreneplodiv. Visnyk Lvivskoho natsionalnoho ahrarnoho universytetu:
ahroinzhenerni doslidzhennia. 2020. No. 24. Р. 13–21. [In Ukrainian].
4. Baranovskyi V. M., Pidhurskyi M. I., Pankiv M. R., Tesliuk V. V., Onyshchenko V. B. Osnovy rozrobky
adaptovanykh transportno-tekhnolohichnykh system korenezbyralnykh mashyn : monohrafiia. Ternopil:
TNTU im. I. Puliuia. 351 р. [Іn Ukrainian].
5. Hurchenko O. P., Baranovskyi V. M. Rezultaty vyprobuvannia modernizovanoi korenezbyralnoi mashyny
MKK-6A. Mekhanizatsiia ta elektryfikatsiia silskoho hospodarstva. 1995. Vyp. 81. Р. 57–60. [Іn
6. Baranovskyi V. M. Transportno-tekhnolohichni systemy ochysnykh robochykh orhaniv adaptovanoi
korenezbyralnoi mashyny. Silskohospodarski mashyny. 2013. Р. 18–29. [in Ukrainian].
7. Ramsh V. Yu., Baranovskyi V. M., Pankiv M. R., Herasymchuk H. A.. Analiz tendentsii rozvytku
robochykh orhaniv dlia separatsii vorokhu koreneplodiv. Naukovi notatky. 2011. No. 31. Р. 298–305. [In
8. Smal M. V., Herasymchuk O. O., Baranovskyi V. M. Matematychni modeli protsesu kopiiuvannia
holovok koreneplodiv kopirom pasyvnoho doobrizchyka zalyshkiv hychky. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats
Vinnytskoho natsionalnoho ahrarnoho universytetu. Seriia: Tekhnichni nauky. 2012. Tom 1. No. 11.
Р. 206–212. [In Ukrainian].
9. Voitiuk D. H., Baranovskyi V. M., Bulhakov V. M. ta in. Silskohospodarski mashyny. Osnovy teorii ta
rozrakhunku: pidruchnyk / za red. D. H. Voitiuka. K.: Vyshcha osvita, 2005. 464 p. [In Ukrainian].
10. Baranovskyi V. M. Rezultaty teoretychno-eksperymentalnykh doslidzhen sekundnoi podachi vorokhu
koreneplodiv. Mekhanizatsiia silskohospodarskoho vyrobnytstva. 2008. Tom 1. P. 111–118. [In Ukrainian].
11. Baranovsky V., Pankiv M., Kukhar O. et al. Results of the experimental investigations of fodder beets
harvesting technologies. Scientific Journal of the Ternopil National Technical University. 2022. No. 2 (106). P. 16–26.
12. Boyko V., Baranovsky V., Pankiv V., Onyshchenko V., Marinenko S. The results of the study of the cutter
of the remains of root crops haulm. Scientific Journal of the Ternopil National Technical University. 2023. No. 1 (109). P. 99–109.
13. Pankiv V. R., Tokarchuk O. A. Іnvestigation of constructive geometrical and filling coefficients of
combined grinding screw conveyor. INMATEH – Agricultural engineering. 2017. Vol. 51. No. 1. 2017. P. 59–68.
14. Hevko R. B., Yazlyuk B. O., Pankiv V. R. et al. Feasibility study of mixture transportation and stirring
process in continuous-flow conveyors. INMATEH – Agricultural engineering. 2017. Vol. 51. No. 1. 2017. P. 49–58.
15. Baranovskyi V. M., Vyhovskyi A. Iu., Storozhuk I. M., Pankiv V. R. Rozrakhunok parametriv robochykhorhaniv hychkozbyralnykh mashyn: monohrafiia. K.: Komprynt, 2015. 242 p. [In Ukrainian]. 16. Berezhenko E., Pankiv М., Jobbagy Jan, Berezhenko B. Experimental research of the module for gathering plant of chicory roots. Scientific Journal of TNTU. 2021. No. 1 (101). P. 56–67.
17. Baranovsky V., Potapenko M. Theoretical analysis of the technological feed of lifted root crops. INMATEH – Agricultural Engineering. 2017. Vol. 51. No. 1. 2017. P. 29–38.
18. Baranovsky V., Dubchak N., Pankiv M. Experimental research of stripping the leaves from root crops. Acta Technologica Agriculturae. 2017. Vol. 20. No. 3.P. 69–73.

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