Study of microclimate indicators of a bus drivers workplace in the warm season of the year
Назва | Study of microclimate indicators of a bus drivers workplace in the warm season of the year |
Назва англійською | Study of microclimate indicators of a bus drivers workplace in the warm season of the year |
Автори | Yurii Voichyshyn |
Принадлежність | Lviv National Polytechnic University, Lviv, Ukraine |
Бібліографічний опис | Study of microclimate indicators of a bus drivers workplace in the warm season of the year / Yurii Voichyshyn // Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern.: TNTU, 2024. — Vol 114. — No 2. — P. 11–19. |
Bibliographic description: | Voichyshyn Y. (2024) Study of microclimate indicators of a bus drivers workplace in the warm season of the year. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol 114, no 2, pp. 11–19. |
DOI: | https://doi.org/10.33108/visnyk_tntu2024.02.011 |
629.113 |
Ключові слова |
city bus, air temperature, air humidity, microclimate, bus driver’s cabin, ventilation. |
On the basis of the developed methodology for the working conditions of a city bus driver, experimental studies of the microclimate in a bus of the Electron A18501 model were carried out. After analyzing the rolling stock of bus fleets in a number of Ukrainian cities, the city of Lviv was selected for research. Using a specially designed set of measuring equipment, the temperature, humidity, and air volume, as well as the level of CO2 at the bus driver's workplace were measured. The obtained results of the experiment can be further used in theoretical studies, and they can also serve as a basis for determining the capacity of refrigeration units for the buses under study. |
ISSN: | 2522-4433 |
Перелік літератури |
1. Niemyy S. V., Makarenkov A. G., Nikitin P. I., Savin Yu. I., Spiridonov I. N. Osoblyvosti rozrahunku temperaturnoho stanu salonu avtobusa. Visnyk LDUBZhD, no. 22, 2020, pp. 78–87. [In Ukrainian].
2. Niemyy S., Hynda M. Vplyv konstruktyvnyh osoblyvostey teplorozpodilchyh prystroyiv na efektyvnist systemy opalennya avtobusiv. 14 mizhnarodnyy symposium ukrayinskyh inzheneriv-mehanikiv u Lvovi. 2019, pp. 84–85. [In Ukrainian].
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6. Şaban Ünal. An Experimental Study on a Bus Air Conditioner to Determine its Conformity to Design and Comfort Conditions. Yildiz Technical University Press. 2017, pp. 1089–1101.
7. Mehmet Bilgili, Ediz Cardak, Arif Emre Aktas. Thermodynamic Analysis of Bus Air Conditioner Working with Refrigerant R600a. European Mechanical Science, 1 (2). 2017, pp. 69–75.
8. E. Tosun, M. Bilgili, G. Tuccar, A. Yasar, K. Aydin. Exergy analysis of an inter-city bus air-conditioning system. International Journal of Exergy, 20 (4). 2016, рр. 445–464.
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10. Edvin Eriksson Johansson, Maja Skärby. (2019). Interior climate simulation of electric buses. Master thesis in Applied Mechanics. Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY. Gothenburg, 2019, 60 р.
11. Horbay О. Z., Holenko К. Е., Kraynyk L. V. Mitsnist ta pasyvna bezpeka avtobusnyh kuzoviv : monohrafiya. Lviv, Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoyi Politehniky, 2013, 276 p. [In Ukranian].
12. Avtobus velykoyi mistkosti А18501 “Electron”. Nastanova shchodo obsluhovuvannya А18501-3902002NЕ. Vydannya А185-SM-R2.1-6788(LV). SP “Electrontrans”. [In Ukranian].
13. ASHRAE Standard 55, Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Inc., Atlanta, GA, USA, 2004.
14. DSTU B EN ISO 7730:2011 (EN ISO 7730:2005, IDT). Erhonomika teplovoho seredovyshcha. Analitychne vyznachennya ta interpretatsiya teplovoho komfortu na osnovi rozrahunkiv pokaznykiv PMV і PPD і kryteriyiv lokalnoho teplovoho komfortu, 2011, 74 p. [In Ukranian].
15. DBN V.2.5-67:2013. Opalennya, ventylyatsiya ta kondytsionuvannya. Vyd.ofits. Kyiv: Minrehion Ukrayiny, 2013, 147 p. [In Ukranian].
16. Magaña V. C., Scherz W. D., Seepold R., Madrid N. M., Pañeda X. G. and Garcia R. The Effects of the Driver’s Mental State and Passenger Compartment Conditions on Driving Performance and Driving Stress. Sensors 20, 2020, 31 p.
References: |
1. Niemyy S. V., Makarenkov A. G., Nikitin P. I., Savin Yu. I., Spiridonov I. N. Osoblyvosti rozrahunku temperaturnoho stanu salonu avtobusa. Visnyk LDUBZhD, no. 22, 2020, pp. 78–87. [In Ukrainian].
2. Niemyy S., Hynda M. Vplyv konstruktyvnyh osoblyvostey teplorozpodilchyh prystroyiv na efektyvnist systemy opalennya avtobusiv. 14 mizhnarodnyy symposium ukrayinskyh inzheneriv-mehanikiv u Lvovi. 2019, pp. 84–85. [In Ukrainian].
3. Kravchenko O. P., Chuyko S .P. Doslidzhennya teplovoho balansu salonu avtobusa u teplyy period roku. Visnyk shidnoukrayinskoho natsionalnoho universytetu im. V. Dalya, no. 3 (251), 2019, pp. 101–106. [In Ukrainian].
4. Kravchenko O., Hrabar I., Gerlici J., Chuiko S., Kravchenko K. Forming comfortable microclimate in the bus compartment via determining the heat loss / Communications. Scientific Letters of the University of Zilina, 2021, vol. 23 (2), pp. B150–B157.
5. Kruts T. I., Zinko R. V., Muzychka D. H., Cherevko Yu. M. Doslidzhennya shvydkisnyh і temperaturnyh pokaznykiv v procesi ventylyatsiyi salonu avtobusa. Prohresyvna tehnika, tehnolohiya ta inzhenerna osvita. 2019, pp.174–179. [In Ukrainian].
6. Şaban Ünal. An Experimental Study on a Bus Air Conditioner to Determine its Conformity to Design and Comfort Conditions. Yildiz Technical University Press. 2017, pp. 1089–1101.
7. Mehmet Bilgili, Ediz Cardak, Arif Emre Aktas. Thermodynamic Analysis of Bus Air Conditioner Working with Refrigerant R600a. European Mechanical Science, 1 (2). 2017, pp. 69–75.
8. E. Tosun, M. Bilgili, G. Tuccar, A. Yasar, K. Aydin. Exergy analysis of an inter-city bus air-conditioning system. International Journal of Exergy, 20 (4). 2016, рр. 445–464.
9. P. Dancaa, A. Vartiresa, A. Dogeanua. An overview of current methods for thermal comfort assessment in vehicle cabin. Energy Procedia 85. 2016, р. 162–169.
10. Edvin Eriksson Johansson, Maja Skärby. (2019). Interior climate simulation of electric buses. Master thesis in Applied Mechanics. Department of Mechanics and Maritime Sciences CHALMERS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY. Gothenburg, 2019, 60 р.
11. Horbay О. Z., Holenko К. Е., Kraynyk L. V. Mitsnist ta pasyvna bezpeka avtobusnyh kuzoviv : monohrafiya. Lviv, Vydavnytstvo Lvivskoyi Politehniky, 2013, 276 p. [In Ukranian].
12. Avtobus velykoyi mistkosti А18501 “Electron”. Nastanova shchodo obsluhovuvannya А18501-3902002NЕ. Vydannya А185-SM-R2.1-6788(LV). SP “Electrontrans”. [In Ukranian].
13. ASHRAE Standard 55, Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers Inc., Atlanta, GA, USA, 2004.
14. DSTU B EN ISO 7730:2011 (EN ISO 7730:2005, IDT). Erhonomika teplovoho seredovyshcha. Analitychne vyznachennya ta interpretatsiya teplovoho komfortu na osnovi rozrahunkiv pokaznykiv PMV і PPD і kryteriyiv lokalnoho teplovoho komfortu, 2011, 74 p. [In Ukranian].
15. DBN V.2.5-67:2013. Opalennya, ventylyatsiya ta kondytsionuvannya. Vyd.ofits. Kyiv: Minrehion Ukrayiny, 2013, 147 p. [In Ukranian].
16. Magaña V. C., Scherz W. D., Seepold R., Madrid N. M., Pañeda X. G. and Garcia R. The Effects of the Driver’s Mental State and Passenger Compartment Conditions on Driving Performance and Driving Stress. Sensors 20, 2020, 31 p.
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