Назва | The local stress state of the pipeline with axial and angular weld misalignment |
Назва англійською | The local stress state of the pipeline with axial and angular weld misalignment |
Автори | Yaroslav Dubyk; Iryna Seliverstova |
Принадлежність | LLC. «ІPP-Centre», Kyiv, Ukraine; G. S. Pisarenko Institute for Problems of Strength of the NAS of Ukraine,Kyiv, Ukraine |
Бібліографічний опис | The local stress state of the pipeline with axial and angular weld misalignment / Yaroslav Dubyk; Iryna Seliverstova // Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern. : TNTU, 2019. — Vol 94. — No 2. — P. 51–57. — (Mechanics and materials sciense). |
Bibliographic description: | Dubyk Y.; Seliverstova I. (2019) The local stress state of the pipeline with axial and angular weld misalignment. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol 94, no 2, pp. 51–57. |
DOI: | https://doi.org/10.33108/visnyk_tntu2019.02.051 |
539.4 |
Ключові слова |
axial misalignment, angular misalignment, stress concentration coefficient, finite element method, cylindrical shell. |
The paper is devoted to the evaluation of the stressed state of the shell containing two common defects in the weld shape – angular and axial misalignment at the same time. Expressions for stress resultants and stress concentration factors for axial and angular misalignment are proposed. The analytical approach is tested by means of numerical calculations for the internal pressure. |
ISSN: | 2522-4433 |
Перелік літератури |
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Orynyak I., Dubyk Y. Approximate Formulas for Cylindrical Shell Free Vibration Based on Vlasov’s and Enhanced Vlasov’s Semi-Momentless Theory: Proceedings of the ASME 2018 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference PVP2018-84932, Czech Republic, July, 15–20, 2018. Prague, 2018. Р. 10.
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The paper is devoted to the evaluation of the stressed state of the shell containing two common defects in the weld shape – angular and axial misalignment at the same time. Expressions for stress resultants and stress concentration factors for axial and angular misalignment are proposed. The analytical approach is tested by means of numerical calculations for the internal pressure. |
Завантажити | |