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Universal system of electrode wire feed соntrol for mechanized electric arc welding and surfacing equipment

НазваUniversal system of electrode wire feed соntrol for mechanized electric arc welding and surfacing equipment
Назва англійськоюUniversal system of electrode wire feed соntrol for mechanized electric arc welding and surfacing equipment
АвториGennadij Zhuk (http://orcid.org/0000-0001-6615-8239)
ПринадлежністьE. O. Paton Electric Welding Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine
Бібліографічний описUniversal system of electrode wire feed соntrol for mechanized electric arc welding and surfacing equipment / Gennadij Zhuk // Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern. : TNTU, 2019. — Vol 94. — No 2. — P. 89–95. — (Manufacturing engineering and automated processes).
Bibliographic description:Zhuk G. (2019) Universal system of electrode wire feed соntrol for mechanized electric arc welding and surfacing equipment. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol. 94, no 2, pp. 89-95.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33108/visnyk_tntu2019.02.089

621.791.92 О-62

Ключові слова

mechanized welding – surfacing, electrode wire, transfer control, new equipment.

Arc mechanized and automatic welding and surfacing with melting electrode is constantly being improved. This improvement is carried out in several directions, including technical means, technological methods, electrode materials and protective media. Recently, special attention has been paid to pulse technologies of welding and surfacing, the development of which is based on modern achievements in the field of technical equipment. Using pulse algorithms of the welding equipment main systems, you can get controlled transfer of the electrode metal, which enables to control the shape of the welded joint, the penetration, the heat-affected zone, the energy costs of the process and the consumption of active materials. Inverter sources of welding current with various control algorithms are widely used to control the transfer of electrode metal. The experience and experimental investigations show that high level results of welding and surfacing processes can be obtained by applying feeders with pulsed control algorithms. At the same time there are several directions of this arc process type. These are pulsed processes with predetermined parameters of frequency, porousness,  and amplitude of impulses formation of the electrode wire movement. In E. O. Paton EWI the new method of the pulse movement control of the electrode wire – with metered feed was developed. This process is carried out using feedback on the arc process parameters – current and voltage. At present, all designs of pulse feed systems are based on the use of the new development – gearless, high-speed computerized electric drive with the use of valve motors. Such electric drive provides pulse feed frequency up to 50 Hz, which makes it possible to control the transfer of electrode metal using solid steel and aluminum wires, as well as flux-cored wires in different spatial positions. The universal motion control system for electrode wire for mechanized and automatic welding and surfacing equipment has been developed, which allows to choose the method and all parameters of the pulse feed, as well as visually monitor the set parameters, as well as the parameters of the arc process. The developed system has no analogues.

Перелік літератури

1.   Paton B. E., Lebedev V. A., Poloskov S. I., Lendel I. V. Ispolzovanie mehanicheskih impulsov dlya upravleniya protsessami avtomaticheskoy i mehanizirovannoy svarki plavyaschimsya elektrodom. Svarka i diagnostika. 2013. № 6. Р. 16–20.
2.   Voropay N. M. Parametryi rejimov i tehnologicheskie vozmojnosti dugovoy svarki s impulsnoy podachey elektrodnoy i prisadochnoy provoloki. Avtomat. svarka. 1996. № 10. Р. 3–9.
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4.   Paton B. E., Lebedev V. A., Pichak V. G., Poloskov S. YU. Evolyutsiya sistem impulsnoy podachi provoloki dlya svarki i naplavki. Svarka i diagnostika. № 3. 2009. Р. 46–51.
5.   Lebedev V., Reisgen U. & Lendel I. Study of technological opportunities of GMAwelding andsurfacing with pulse electrode wirefeed. Welding in the World. February, 2016. P. 9–14.
6.   Lebedev V. A. Mehanizirovannaya sinergeticheskaya svarka s impulsnoy podachey elektrodnoy provoloki. Naukoёmkie tehnologi v mashinostroenii. 2016. № 2. Р. 19–24.
7.   Lebedev V. A., Juk G. V., Upravlenie perenosom elektrodnogo metala na osnove impulsnyih algoritmov funktsionirovaniya sistem s dozirovaniem podachi elektrodnoy provoloki pri mehanizirovannoy dugovoy svarke. Tyajёloe Mashinostroenie. № 6. 2017. Р. 27–32.
8.   Lebedev V. A., Gulyiy M. V. Byistrodeystvuyuschiy ventilnyiy elektroprivod dlya oborudovaniya mehanizirovannoy dugovoy svarki. Mehatronika, Avtomatizatsiya, Upravlenie. 2014. № 6. Р. 47–51.
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Arc mechanized and automatic welding and surfacing with melting electrode is constantly being improved. This improvement is carried out in several directions, including technical means, technological methods, electrode materials and protective media. Recently, special attention has been paid to pulse technologies of welding and surfacing, the development of which is based on modern achievements in the field of technical equipment. Using pulse algorithms of the welding equipment main systems, you can get controlled transfer of the electrode metal, which enables to control the shape of the welded joint, the penetration, the heat-affected zone, the energy costs of the process and the consumption of active materials. Inverter sources of welding current with various control algorithms are widely used to control the transfer of electrode metal. The experience and experimental investigations show that high level results of welding and surfacing processes can be obtained by applying feeders with pulsed control algorithms. At the same time there are several directions of this arc process type. These are pulsed processes with predetermined parameters of frequency, porousness,  and amplitude of impulses formation of the electrode wire movement. In E. O. Paton EWI the new method of the pulse movement control of the electrode wire – with metered feed was developed. This process is carried out using feedback on the arc process parameters – current and voltage. At present, all designs of pulse feed systems are based on the use of the new development – gearless, high-speed computerized electric drive with the use of valve motors. Such electric drive provides pulse feed frequency up to 50 Hz, which makes it possible to control the transfer of electrode metal using solid steel and aluminum wires, as well as flux-cored wires in different spatial positions. The universal motion control system for electrode wire for mechanized and automatic welding and surfacing equipment has been developed, which allows to choose the method and all parameters of the pulse feed, as well as visually monitor the set parameters, as well as the parameters of the arc process. The developed system has no analogues.


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