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Corrosion of industrial gas pipelines under the action of formation waters

НазваCorrosion of industrial gas pipelines under the action of formation waters
Назва англійськоюCorrosion of industrial gas pipelines under the action of formation waters
АвториLubomyr Poberezhny (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6197-1060); Andrii Hrytsanchuk (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9894-0911); Liubov Poberezhna (http://orcid.org/0000-0002-4944-0192); Halyna Hrytsuliak (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2463-4772); Vitalii Marklalevych; Vitalii Vityk
ПринадлежністьIvano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine
Бібліографічний описCorrosion of industrial gas pipelines under the action of formation waters / Lubomyr Poberezhny; Andrii Hrytsanchuk; Liubov Poberezhna; Halyna Hrytsuliak; Vitalii Marklalevych; Vitalii Vityk // Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern. : TNTU, 2019. — Vol 95. — No 3. — P. 55–66.
Bibliographic description:Poberezhny L.; Hrytsanchuk A.; Poberezhna L.; Hrytsuliak H.; Marklalevych V.; Vityk V. (2019) Corrosion of industrial gas pipelines under the action of formation waters. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol 95, no 3, pp. 55–66.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33108/visnyk_tntu2019.03.055


Ключові слова

industrial gas pipelines, formation water, intrinsic corrosion, corrosion-mechanical tests.

The state of pipeline after the long time of operation is studied. Major factors are determined, influencing nature and rate of the passage of the processes of the internal corrosion of pipelines – presence of perceptible mechanical stresses, chemical composition and the motion of corrosive environment. The results obtained allow a more accurate and accurate prediction of the life and residual life of industrial pipelines, taking into account the influence of mechanical and corrosion factors.


Перелік літератури
  1. Todt F. Koroziya ta zakhyst vid korroziyi / per. s nem. M.: Khimiya, 1966. 847 p. [In Russian].
  2. Poberezhnyi L. Y., Marushchak P. O., Sorochak A. P., Draganovska D., Hrytsanchuk A. V., Mishchuk B. V. Corrosive and Mechanical Degradation of Pipelines in Acid Soils. Strength of Materials. 2017. P. 1–11.
  3. Dmytrakh I. M., Leshchak R. L., Syrotyuk A. M. Influence of sodium nitrite concentration in aqueous corrosion solution on fatigue crack growth in carbon pipeline steel. International Journal of Fatigue. 2019. 128. 105192. P. 1–8.
  4. Honcharuk M. I., Kryzhanivskyy YE. I., Poberezhnyy L. YA. Koroziyno-vlasne povedinka metalevoho hazoprovodu. Naukovyy visnyk Natsionalnoho tekhnichnoho universytetu Nafty i Hazu. 2003. № 1 (5). Р. 54–59. [In Ukraine].
  5. Kryzhanivskyy YE. I., Poberezhnyy L. YA. Perspektyvni perevirky avtomatyzovanykh vyprobovuvalnykh system iz EOM dlya Korolivsko-diyuchykh vladnykh struktur morskykh truboprovodiv. Naukovi trudy KHPU. 2001. Vol. 1 (10). P. 21–23. [In Ukraine].
  6. Skrypnyk I. D. Rozshyrennya metodiv Koefitsiyenta dehradatsiyi konstruktsiy lyudey i yikh tryvalosti v ahresyvnomu seredovyshchi pid tryvalistyu statystyky shchodo zavantazhennya: аvtoref. dys. dokt. tekhn. nauk: 01.02.04 / NAN Ukrayiny, Fiz.- mekh. in-t im. H. V. Karpenka. Lviv, 2000. 39 р. [In Ukraine].
  7. Troshchenko V. T., Lebedev A. A., Stryzhalo V. A., Stepnov H. V., Kryvenyuk V. V. Mekhanichne pokhodzhennya materialiv pry riznykh vydakh navantazhennya. K.: Lohos, 2000. 571 р. [In Russian].
  8. Maruschak P., Panin S., Danyliuk I., Poberezhnyi L., Pyrig T., Bishchak R., Vlasov I. Structural and mechanical defects of materials of offshore and onshore main gas pipelines after long-term operation. Open Engineering. 2015. 5 (1). Р. 365–372.
  9. Popovych P. V., Lyashuk O. L., Shevchuk O. S., Tson O. P., Poberezhna L. Y., Bortnyk I. M. Influence of organic operation environment on corrosion properties of metal structure materials of vehicles. INMATEH-Agricultural Engineering. 2017. Vol. 52 (2). Р. 113–119.
  10. Poberezhnyy L. YA., Stanetsʹkyy A. I. Ranzhuvannya gruntiv za nebezpechnu vtratu ne nayvyshchoyi zdatnosti truboprovody na pizniy stadiyi isnuvannya. Naukovyy visnyk NLTU Ukrayiny. 2016. Vol. 26 (1). Р. 280–286. [In Ukraine].
  1. Todt F. Koroziya ta zakhyst vid korroziyi / per. s nem. M.: Khimiya, 1966. 847 p. [In Russian].
  2. Poberezhnyi L. Y., Marushchak P. O., Sorochak A. P., Draganovska D., Hrytsanchuk A. V., Mishchuk B. V. Corrosive and Mechanical Degradation of Pipelines in Acid Soils. Strength of Materials. 2017. P. 1–11.
  3. Dmytrakh I. M., Leshchak R. L., Syrotyuk A. M. Influence of sodium nitrite concentration in aqueous corrosion solution on fatigue crack growth in carbon pipeline steel. International Journal of Fatigue. 2019. 128. 105192. P. 1–8.
  4. Honcharuk M. I., Kryzhanivskyy YE. I., Poberezhnyy L. YA. Koroziyno-vlasne povedinka metalevoho hazoprovodu. Naukovyy visnyk Natsionalnoho tekhnichnoho universytetu Nafty i Hazu. 2003. № 1 (5). Р. 54–59. [In Ukraine].
  5. Kryzhanivskyy YE. I., Poberezhnyy L. YA. Perspektyvni perevirky avtomatyzovanykh vyprobovuvalnykh system iz EOM dlya Korolivsko-diyuchykh vladnykh struktur morskykh truboprovodiv. Naukovi trudy KHPU. 2001. Vol. 1 (10). P. 21–23. [In Ukraine].
  6. Skrypnyk I. D. Rozshyrennya metodiv Koefitsiyenta dehradatsiyi konstruktsiy lyudey i yikh tryvalosti v ahresyvnomu seredovyshchi pid tryvalistyu statystyky shchodo zavantazhennya: аvtoref. dys. dokt. tekhn. nauk: 01.02.04 / NAN Ukrayiny, Fiz.- mekh. in-t im. H. V. Karpenka. Lviv, 2000. 39 р. [In Ukraine].
  7. Troshchenko V. T., Lebedev A. A., Stryzhalo V. A., Stepnov H. V., Kryvenyuk V. V. Mekhanichne pokhodzhennya materialiv pry riznykh vydakh navantazhennya. K.: Lohos, 2000. 571 р. [In Russian].
  8. Maruschak P., Panin S., Danyliuk I., Poberezhnyi L., Pyrig T., Bishchak R., Vlasov I. Structural and mechanical defects of materials of offshore and onshore main gas pipelines after long-term operation. Open Engineering. 2015. 5 (1). Р. 365–372.
  9. Popovych P. V., Lyashuk O. L., Shevchuk O. S., Tson O. P., Poberezhna L. Y., Bortnyk I. M. Influence of organic operation environment on corrosion properties of metal structure materials of vehicles. INMATEH-Agricultural Engineering. 2017. Vol. 52 (2). Р. 113–119.
  10. Poberezhnyy L. YA., Stanetsʹkyy A. I. Ranzhuvannya gruntiv za nebezpechnu vtratu ne nayvyshchoyi zdatnosti truboprovody na pizniy stadiyi isnuvannya. Naukovyy visnyk NLTU Ukrayiny. 2016. Vol. 26 (1). Р. 280–286. [In Ukraine].

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