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Negative side effects of corrosion preventive compounds on aircraft fatigue and criteria for their selection

НазваNegative side effects of corrosion preventive compounds on aircraft fatigue and criteria for their selection
Назва англійськоюNegative side effects of corrosion preventive compounds on aircraft fatigue and criteria for their selection
АвториMykhailo Karuskevych (https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1698-0296); Olena Korchuk (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7270-3915); Tetiana Maslak (https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8320-8613); Oleksandr Lynnyk
ПринадлежністьNational Aviation University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Бібліографічний описNegative side effects of corrosion preventive compounds on aircraft fatigue and criteria for their selection / Mykhailo Karuskevych; Olena Korchuk; Tetiana Maslak; Oleksandr Lynnyk / Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern.: TNTU, 2019. — Vol 96. — No 4. — P. 51–56.
Bibliographic description:Karuskevych M.; Korchuk O.; Maslak T.; Lynnyk O. (2019) Negative side effects of corrosion preventive compounds on aircraft fatigue and criteria for their selection. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol 96, no 4, pp. 51–56.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33108/visnyk_tntu2019.04.051


Ключові слова

corrosion preventive compounds, fatigue, aircraft structures.

The necessity and possibility to reveal probable negative side effects of Corrosion Preventive Compounds on fatigue of aircraft structural members is shown. Three mechanisms of the side effects are considered: a) redistribution of loads on the riveted components due to the reduction of friction; b) influence on fatigue crack propagation; c) influence on fatigue crack nucleation. Experimental methods to reveal negative side effects are proposed.

Перелік літератури
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  2. URL: https://corrosion-doctors.org/Inhibitors/CPCs.htm.
  3. Karuskevich M., Karuskevich O., Maslak T., Schepak S. Extrusion/intrusion structures as quantitative indicators of accumulated fatigue damage. International Journal of Fatigue. 2012. № 39. P. 116–121.
  4. Karuskevich M., Maslak T., Seidametova G. Deformation relief as an indicator of Rebinder effect. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2013. № 1 (54). P. 82–86.
  5. Purry C., Fien A., Shankar K. The effect of corrosion preventative compound on fatigue crack growth properties of 2024-T351 aluminium alloys. International Journal of Fatigue. 2003. № 25. P. 1175–1180.
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  7. Jaya A., Tiong U. H., Mohammed М. The influence of corrosion treatments on fatigue of aircraft structural joints: 27th International congress of the aeronautical sciences (Nice, 19–24 September 2010.). Nice: 2010, Р. 1–8.
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    Р. 131–137.
  9. Machin A. S., Mann J. Y. Water-displacing organic corrosion inhibitors – their effect on the fatigue characteristics of aluminium alloy bolted joints. International Journal of Fatigue. 1982. V. 4. No. 4.
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  1. Rebinder P. A. Poverhnostnyie yavleniya v dispersnyih sistemah. Fiziko-himicheskaya mehanika. Izbrannyie trudyi. M.: Nauka, 1979. S. 384.
  2. URL: https://corrosion-doctors.org/Inhibitors/CPCs.htm.
  3. Karuskevich M., Karuskevich O., Maslak T., Schepak S. Extrusion/intrusion structures as quantitative indicators of accumulated fatigue damage. International Journal of Fatigue. 2012. № 39. P. 116–121.
  4. Karuskevich M., Maslak T., Seidametova G. Deformation relief as an indicator of Rebinder effect. Proceedings of the National Aviation University. 2013. № 1 (54). P. 82–86.
  5. Purry C., Fien A., Shankar K. The effect of corrosion preventative compound on fatigue crack growth properties of 2024-T351 aluminium alloys. International Journal of Fatigue. 2003. № 25. P. 1175–1180.
  6. Tehnologicheskaya instruktsiya po uhodu i zaschite ot korrozii samoletov tipa Tu-134 v ekspluatatsii. Federalnaya sluzhba vozdushnogo transporta Rossii, 2000. S. 150.
  7. Jaya A., Tiong U. H., Mohammed М. The influence of corrosion treatments on fatigue of aircraft structural joints: 27th International congress of the aeronautical sciences (Nice, 19–24 September 2010.). Nice: 2010, Р. 1–8.
  8. Mousley RF. An effect of corrosion preventative fluids on the fatigue life of riveted joints. The Influence on fatigue: Proceedings of the Conference, London, England: Institute of Mechanical Engineers, 1977.
    Р. 131–137.
  9. Machin A. S., Mann J. Y. Water-displacing organic corrosion inhibitors – their effect on the fatigue characteristics of aluminium alloy bolted joints. International Journal of Fatigue. 1982. V. 4. No. 4.
    P. 199–208.

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