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Mathematical model of the molten metal drop’s motion on the surface of a steel rotating disk

НазваMathematical model of the molten metal drop’s motion on the surface of a steel rotating disk
Назва англійськоюMathematical model of the molten metal drop’s motion on the surface of a steel rotating disk
АвториVolodymyr Havryliuk; Cheslav Pulka; Volodymyr Mykhailyshyn; Viktor Senchyshyn; Vitaly Lyakhov
ПринадлежністьTernopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Бібліографічний описMathematical model of the molten metal drop’s motion on the surface of a steel rotating disk / Volodymyr Havryliuk; Cheslav Pulka; Volodymyr Mykhailyshyn; Viktor Senchyshyn; Vitaly Lyakhov // Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern. : TNTU, 2020. — Vol 99. — No 3. — P. 86–92.
Bibliographic description:Havryliuk V.; Pulka Ch.; Mykhailyshyn V.; Senchyshyn V.; Lyakhov V. (2020) Mathematical model of the molten metal drop’s motion on the surface of a steel rotating disk. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol 99, no 3, pp. 86–92.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33108/visnyk_tntu2020.03.086


Ключові слова

induction surfacing, disk, molten particle, trajectory, force, acceleration.

The objective of the article is to study the trajectory of motion of different alloys according to mass, rotation speed, force of friction resistance, force of viscous resistance that influence the properties and stability of weld metal. The obtained calculations allow to describe mathematically the molten metal particle under study, in particular its coordinates, trajectory and the relative speed of motion in different time from 0 to 5 s, at a given initial position and angular speed of disk rotation.


Перелік літератури
  1. Pulka Ch. V. Tehnologichna ta energetychna efektyvnist’ indukciynogo naplavlennya tonkyh stalevyh dyskiv: dis. … doct. tehn. Nauk. Kyiv, 2006. [Іn Ukrainian].
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  3. Pulka Ch. V., Shabliy O. N., Grabin V. F., Dzykovich I. Ya. Sovershenstvovanie tehnologii indukcyonnoy naplavki tonkih fasonnyh diskov. Avtomaticheskaya svarka. No. 1. 1991, pp. 57–61. [Іn Russian].
  4. Zhuk G. Universal system of electrode wire feed соntrol for mechanized electric arc welding and surfacing equipment. Scientific Journal of TNTU. Tern.: TNTU, 2019. Vol. 94. No. 2. P. 89–95.
  5. Havryliuk V., Mykhailyshyn V., Mykhailyshyn M., Pulka Ch. Optimal control of induction heating in the surfacing processes of thin shaped disks. Scientific Journal of TNTU. Tern.: TNTU, 2020. Vol. 97. No. 1. P. 5–13.
  6. Pulka Ch. V., Senchishin V. S., Havryliuk V. Ya., Bazar M. S. Vliyanie tehnologicheskih shem indukcyonnoi naplavki na stabil’nost’ tolshchiny naplavlennogo sloya. Avtomaticheskaya svarka. No. 4. 1991. Рp. 65–67. [Іn Russian].
  7. Pulka Ch. V., Shabliy O. M., Havryliuk V. Ya., Senchyshyn V. S., Sharyk M. V. Sposib naplavlennya tonkyh dyskiv. Pat. na korysnu model’ 77032 UA, MPK V23K 13/00. Zayavnyk i vlasnyk TNTU
    im. Ivana Puluja, 2012, [in Ukrainian].
  1. Pulka Ch. V. Tehnologichna ta energetychna efektyvnist’ indukciynogo naplavlennya tonkyh stalevyh dyskiv: dis. … doct. tehn. Nauk. Kyiv, 2006. [Іn Ukrainian].
  2. Ryabcev I. A. Naplavka detalei mashyn i mehanizmov. Kiev: Ecotehnologia, 2004,. 160 pp. [Іn Russian].
  3. Pulka Ch. V., Shabliy O. N., Grabin V. F., Dzykovich I. Ya. Sovershenstvovanie tehnologii indukcyonnoy naplavki tonkih fasonnyh diskov. Avtomaticheskaya svarka. No. 1. 1991, pp. 57–61. [Іn Russian].
  4. Zhuk G. Universal system of electrode wire feed соntrol for mechanized electric arc welding and surfacing equipment. Scientific Journal of TNTU. Tern.: TNTU, 2019. Vol. 94. No. 2. P. 89–95.
  5. Havryliuk V., Mykhailyshyn V., Mykhailyshyn M., Pulka Ch. Optimal control of induction heating in the surfacing processes of thin shaped disks. Scientific Journal of TNTU. Tern.: TNTU, 2020. Vol. 97. No. 1. P. 5–13.
  6. Pulka Ch. V., Senchishin V. S., Havryliuk V. Ya., Bazar M. S. Vliyanie tehnologicheskih shem indukcyonnoi naplavki na stabil’nost’ tolshchiny naplavlennogo sloya. Avtomaticheskaya svarka. No. 4. 1991. Рp. 65–67. [Іn Russian].
  7. Pulka Ch. V., Shabliy O. M., Havryliuk V. Ya., Senchyshyn V. S., Sharyk M. V. Sposib naplavlennya tonkyh dyskiv. Pat. na korysnu model’ 77032 UA, MPK V23K 13/00. Zayavnyk i vlasnyk TNTU
    im. Ivana Puluja, 2012, [in Ukrainian].

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