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Development and research of Wi-Fi network for receiving and transmitting telemechanical information in the training laboratory

НазваDevelopment and research of Wi-Fi network for receiving and transmitting telemechanical information in the training laboratory
Назва англійськоюDevelopment and research of Wi-Fi network for receiving and transmitting telemechanical information in the training laboratory
АвториBogdan Orobchuk (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6375-2440); Vadym Koval (https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7427-6507)
ПринадлежністьTernopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Бібліографічний описDevelopment and research of Wi-Fi network for receiving and transmitting telemechanical information in the training laboratory / Bogdan Orobchuk; Vadym Koval // Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern. : TNTU, 2020. — Vol 99. — No 3. — P. 124–131.
Bibliographic description:Orobchuk B.; Koval V. (2020) Development and research of Wi-Fi network for receiving and transmitting telemechanical information in the training laboratory. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol 99, no 3, pp. 124–131.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33108/visnyk_tntu2020.03.124


Ключові слова

telecommunication technologies, Wi-Fi, local area wireless network, educational process, telemechanics, electric power industry.

The article deals with the issues of research, development and implementation of local area wireless networks in the educational process, especially with the study of the signal level for data transmission control of the local wireless network indoors. The controlled telemechanics unit uses wired systems for communication of the operator with various sensors and actuators, which creates certain difficulties and risks for the operator working in site of the telemechanics unit. The article considers a potential use of wireless technologies in the educational process, which demonstrates how to secure the operator and reduce the time to bypass all the sensors of the actuators, as well as to develop a short-range wireless subsystem.


Перелік літератури
  1. Orobchuk B. Ia. Dilovi ihry v navchalnomu protsesi v yakosti instrumenta profesiinoi pidhotovky mahistriv. VI Mizhnarodna naukovo-tekhnichna konferentsiia “Svitlotekhnika y elektroenerhetyka: istoriia, problemy, perspektyvy” (Ternopil – Yaremche, 30 sichnia – 2 liutoho 2018 r.). M-vo osvity
    i nauky Ukrainy, Tern. natsion. tekhn. un-t im. I. Puliuia [ta in]. Ternopil: TNTU, 2018. Р. 95–96. [Іn Ukraine].
  2. V. G. Shevchuk, V. V. Levtrinskiy, N. A. Shevchuk Grafo-planovyie kartyi tehnologicheskih protsessov v uchebnyih kursah. Progressivnyie tehnologii obucheniya v vuze: Tezisyi dokladov Mezhdunar. nauchn.-metod. konf. Gomel: BelGUT, 2000. Р. 144–145 [in Belarus].
  3. Orobchuk B. Ia., Piskun S. O., Rafaliuk O. O. Vprovadzhennia system telemekhaniky keruvannia enerho-obiektamy v navchalnomu protsesi. III Vseukrainska naukova-tekhnichna konferentsiia “Teoretychni
    ta prykladni aspekty radiotekhniky i pryladobuduvannia” (Ternopil, cherven 2017 r.). M-vo osvity i
    nauky Ukrainy, Tern. natsion. tekhn. un-t im. I. Puliuia [ta in]. Ternopil: TNTU, 2017. P. 224–226 [in Ukraine].
  4. Orobchuk B. Ia., Buniak O. A. Metodyka zastosuvannia systemy keruvannia rezhymamy elektroposta-channia u navchalnomu protsesi. Materialy VII mizhnarodnoi naukovo-tekhnichnoi konferentsii “Pidvyshchennia rivnia efektyvnosti enerhospozhyvannia v elektrotekhnichnykh prystroiakh i systemakh” (Lutsk, 23 chervnia 2018 r.). M-vo osvity i nauky Ukrainy, Lutskyi natsion. tekhn. un-t [ta in]. Lutsk: LNTU, 2018. P. 67–71 [in Ukraine].
  5. IEEE P802.11s/D1.08. Amendment: Mesh Networking. IEEE, January 2008.
  6. Zakon Ukrainy “Pro radiochastotnyi resurs Ukrainy” vid 1 chervnia 2000 roku No. 1770-III.
  7. IEEE Std 802.11-2007. Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications. IEEE, June 2007.
  8. Orobchuk B. Ia. Laboratornyi kompleks dlia pobudovy system telekeruvannia i dyspetcherskoho upravlinnia v elektroenerhetytsi. Materialy KhKh naukovoi konferentsii TNTU im. I. Puliuia (Ternopil, traven 2017 r.). M-vo osvity i nauky Ukrainy, Tern. natsion. tekhn. un-t im. I. Puliuia [ta in]. Ternopil: TNTU, 2017. P. 170–171 [in Ukraine].
  9. B. Orobchuk, I. Sysak, S. Babiuk Intellectual system of street lighting control in a city. VI International Conference of Students, PhD Students and Young Scientists “Engineer of XXI Century”: Inzynier XXI Wieku Prozektujemy Przyszlosc. Wydawnictwo Naukowe AkademiiTechniczno-Humanistycznej w Bielsku-Bialej, December 2016, рр. 825–832.
  10. Chesanovsky I., Levhunets D. (2017) Representation of narrow-band radio signals with angular modulation in trunked radio systems using the principal component analysis. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 117–121 [in English].
  11. Trembach B., Kochan R., Trembach R. (2016) Multiplex digital correlator with high priority deployment of one of the acoustic signal receivers. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), no. 4 (84), pp. 99–104 [in English].
  12. Vishnevskiy V. M., Lyahov A. I., Portnoy S. L., Shahnovich I. L. Shirokopolosnyie besprovodnyie seti peredachi informatsii. M.: Tehnosfera, 2005 [in Russian].
  13. B. Orobchuk, I. Sysak, S. Babiuk, T. Rajba, M. Karpinski, A. Klos-Witkowska, R. Szkarczyk, J. Gancarczy Development of simulator automated dispatch control system for implementation in learning process.
    2017 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS). IEEE, Buharest, vol. 1, September 2017,
    pp. 210–214.
  14. Automated system of dispatching control (ASDC) “Strila”. Technical description and operating manual. Ternopil Design Bureau of Radiocommunication “Strila”. [In Ukraine].
  15. Orobchuk B. Ia., Staryk Yu. I. Vprovadzhennia tekhnolohichnoi radiomerezhi obminu danymy. Aktualni zadachi suchasnykh tekhnolohii: zb. tez dopovidei mizhnar. nauk.-tekhn. konf. molodykh uchenykh ta studentiv, (Ternopil, 27–28 lystop. 2019.). M-vo osvity i nauky Ukrainy, Tern. natsion. tekhn. un-t im. I. Puliuia [ta in]. Ternopil: TNTU, 2019. T. 3. P. 73–74. [In Ukraine].
  16. IEEE Std 802.11, 1999 Edition. Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications. IEEE, August 1999.
  17. IEEE P802.11s/D1.00. Amendment: Mesh Networking. IEEE, November 2006.
  1. Orobchuk B. Ia. Dilovi ihry v navchalnomu protsesi v yakosti instrumenta profesiinoi pidhotovky mahistriv. VI Mizhnarodna naukovo-tekhnichna konferentsiia “Svitlotekhnika y elektroenerhetyka: istoriia, problemy, perspektyvy” (Ternopil – Yaremche, 30 sichnia – 2 liutoho 2018 r.). M-vo osvity
    i nauky Ukrainy, Tern. natsion. tekhn. un-t im. I. Puliuia [ta in]. Ternopil: TNTU, 2018. Р. 95–96. [Іn Ukraine].
  2. V. G. Shevchuk, V. V. Levtrinskiy, N. A. Shevchuk Grafo-planovyie kartyi tehnologicheskih protsessov v uchebnyih kursah. Progressivnyie tehnologii obucheniya v vuze: Tezisyi dokladov Mezhdunar. nauchn.-metod. konf. Gomel: BelGUT, 2000. Р. 144–145 [in Belarus].
  3. Orobchuk B. Ia., Piskun S. O., Rafaliuk O. O. Vprovadzhennia system telemekhaniky keruvannia enerho-obiektamy v navchalnomu protsesi. III Vseukrainska naukova-tekhnichna konferentsiia “Teoretychni
    ta prykladni aspekty radiotekhniky i pryladobuduvannia” (Ternopil, cherven 2017 r.). M-vo osvity i
    nauky Ukrainy, Tern. natsion. tekhn. un-t im. I. Puliuia [ta in]. Ternopil: TNTU, 2017. P. 224–226 [in Ukraine].
  4. Orobchuk B. Ia., Buniak O. A. Metodyka zastosuvannia systemy keruvannia rezhymamy elektroposta-channia u navchalnomu protsesi. Materialy VII mizhnarodnoi naukovo-tekhnichnoi konferentsii “Pidvyshchennia rivnia efektyvnosti enerhospozhyvannia v elektrotekhnichnykh prystroiakh i systemakh” (Lutsk, 23 chervnia 2018 r.). M-vo osvity i nauky Ukrainy, Lutskyi natsion. tekhn. un-t [ta in]. Lutsk: LNTU, 2018. P. 67–71 [in Ukraine].
  5. IEEE P802.11s/D1.08. Amendment: Mesh Networking. IEEE, January 2008.
  6. Zakon Ukrainy “Pro radiochastotnyi resurs Ukrainy” vid 1 chervnia 2000 roku No. 1770-III.
  7. IEEE Std 802.11-2007. Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications. IEEE, June 2007.
  8. Orobchuk B. Ia. Laboratornyi kompleks dlia pobudovy system telekeruvannia i dyspetcherskoho upravlinnia v elektroenerhetytsi. Materialy KhKh naukovoi konferentsii TNTU im. I. Puliuia (Ternopil, traven 2017 r.). M-vo osvity i nauky Ukrainy, Tern. natsion. tekhn. un-t im. I. Puliuia [ta in]. Ternopil: TNTU, 2017. P. 170–171 [in Ukraine].
  9. B. Orobchuk, I. Sysak, S. Babiuk Intellectual system of street lighting control in a city. VI International Conference of Students, PhD Students and Young Scientists “Engineer of XXI Century”: Inzynier XXI Wieku Prozektujemy Przyszlosc. Wydawnictwo Naukowe AkademiiTechniczno-Humanistycznej w Bielsku-Bialej, December 2016, рр. 825–832.
  10. Chesanovsky I., Levhunets D. (2017) Representation of narrow-band radio signals with angular modulation in trunked radio systems using the principal component analysis. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 117–121 [in English].
  11. Trembach B., Kochan R., Trembach R. (2016) Multiplex digital correlator with high priority deployment of one of the acoustic signal receivers. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), no. 4 (84), pp. 99–104 [in English].
  12. Vishnevskiy V. M., Lyahov A. I., Portnoy S. L., Shahnovich I. L. Shirokopolosnyie besprovodnyie seti peredachi informatsii. M.: Tehnosfera, 2005 [in Russian].
  13. B. Orobchuk, I. Sysak, S. Babiuk, T. Rajba, M. Karpinski, A. Klos-Witkowska, R. Szkarczyk, J. Gancarczy Development of simulator automated dispatch control system for implementation in learning process.
    2017 9th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications (IDAACS). IEEE, Buharest, vol. 1, September 2017,
    pp. 210–214.
  14. Automated system of dispatching control (ASDC) “Strila”. Technical description and operating manual. Ternopil Design Bureau of Radiocommunication “Strila”. [In Ukraine].
  15. Orobchuk B. Ia., Staryk Yu. I. Vprovadzhennia tekhnolohichnoi radiomerezhi obminu danymy. Aktualni zadachi suchasnykh tekhnolohii: zb. tez dopovidei mizhnar. nauk.-tekhn. konf. molodykh uchenykh ta studentiv, (Ternopil, 27–28 lystop. 2019.). M-vo osvity i nauky Ukrainy, Tern. natsion. tekhn. un-t im. I. Puliuia [ta in]. Ternopil: TNTU, 2019. T. 3. P. 73–74. [In Ukraine].
  16. IEEE Std 802.11, 1999 Edition. Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications. IEEE, August 1999.
  17. IEEE P802.11s/D1.00. Amendment: Mesh Networking. IEEE, November 2006.

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