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Mathematical model of functioning of the srew conveyor loading hopper

НазваMathematical model of functioning of the srew conveyor loading hopper
Назва англійськоюMathematical model of functioning of the srew conveyor loading hopper
АвториViktor Baranovskyi, Vitalii Pankiv, Roman Komar, Bohdan Berezhenko, Oleg Korol
ПринадлежністьTernopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Бібліографічний описMathematical model of functioning of the srew conveyor loading hopper / Viktor Baranovskyi, Vitalii Pankiv, Roman Komar, Bohdan Berezhenko, Oleg Korol // Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern.: TNTU, 2021. — Vol 104. — No 4. — P. 109–122.
Bibliographic description:Baranovskyi V., Pankiv V., Komar R., Berezhenko B., Korol O. (2021) Mathematical model of functioning of the srew conveyor loading hopper. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol 104, no 4, pp. 109–122.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33108/visnyk_tntu2021.04.109


Ключові слова

root crops, discharge outlet, per second feeding, root crops stock, consumption of root crops, flow velocity, acceleration of consumption of roots crops.

Increasing productivity and reducing energy costs of the process of operation of screw devices and technological lines of processing complexes, where they are installed in agricultural sector, in the first stage depends mainly on the throughput capacity of loading hoppers. At the same time, the need for rational management of the flows, that have quite significant random deviations from the measure of average of the root crops flow, is quite an urgent task. The objective of investigation is to increase the efficiency of screw conveyor-crushers by developing a mathematical model which functionally describes the technological process of movement of the material in the loading hopper. The article provides an analysis of the process root crops movement in the screw conveyor loading hopper through the development of deterministic mathematical models that describe and determine the quantitative indicators of per second feeding of root crops to the auger depending on the hopper loading.

Перелік літератури
  1. Grytsay Yu. Analysis of technological processes and structural features of screw conveyors. Scientific journal innovative solutions in modern science. Dubai. 2018. No. 2 (21). P. 17–32.
  2. Hevko I. B. Hvyntovi transportno-tekhnolohichni mekhanizmy: rozrakhunok i konstruiuvannia. Ternopil: TDTU imeni Ivana Puliuia, 2008. 307 p. [In Ukrainian].
  3. Rohatynskyi R. M., Hevko I. B., Diachun A. Ie. Naukovo-prykladni osnovy stvorennia hvyntovykh transportno-tekhnolohichnykh mekhanizmiv. Ternopil: TNTU im. I. Puliuia, 2014. 278 p. [in Ukrainian].
  4. Pankyv V. R. Kombynyrovannыi transporter-yzmelchytel. Nauchno-tekhnycheskyi prohress v selskokhoziaistvennom proyzvodstve. Ahrarnaia nauka – selskokhoziaistvennomu proyzvodstvu Sybyry, Kazakhstana, Monholyy, Belarusy y Bolharyy: mater. Mezhdun. nauch.-tekhn. konf. Mynsk, 19–21 okt. 2016 h. Mynsk: NPTs NAN Belarusy po mekhanyzatsyy selskoho khoziaistva, 2016. T. 1. P. 111–115. [In Russian].
  5. Bratishko V. V. Mekhaniko-tekhnolohichni osnovy pryhotuvannia povnoratsionnykh kombikormiv hvyntovymy hranuliatoramy: avtoref. dys. … d-ra. tekhnichnykh nauk: 05.05.11 / Bratishko Viacheslav Viacheslavovych; Natsionalnyi naukovyi tsent «Instytut mekhanizatsii ta elektryfikatsii silskoho hospodarstva». Hlevakha, 2017. 43 p. [In Ukrainian].
  6. Hevko R. B., Klendiy O. M. The investigation of the process of a screw the conveyer safety device actuation. INMATEH–Agricultural Engineering. National Institute of research development for machines and installations designed to Agriculture and food industry. Inma Bucharest, 2014. Vol. 42. No. 1. 2014. P. 55–60.
  7. Hevko R. B., Klendiy M. B., Klendiy O. M. Investigation of a transfer branch of a flexible screw conveyer. INMATEH–Agricultural Engineering. National Institute of research development for machines and installations designed to Agriculture and food industry. Inma Bucharest, 2016. Vol. 48. No. 1. 2016.
    P. 29–34.
  8. Storozhuk I. M., Pankiv V. R. Research results of harvesting haulm remnants of root crops. INMATEH–Agricultural engineering. National Institute of research development for machines and installations designed to Agriculture and food industry. Inma Bucharest. 2015. Vol. 46. No. 2. 2015. P. 101–108.
  9. Hevko R. B., Dzyura V.O., Romanovsky R.M. Mathematical model of the pneumatic-screw conveyor screw mechanism operation. INMATEH–Agricultural engineering. National Institute of research development for machines and installations designed to Agriculture and food industry. Inma Bucharest, 2014. Vol. 44. No. 3. 2014. P. 103–110.
  10. Pankiv V. R., Tokarchuk O. A. Іnvestigation of constructive geometrical and filling coefficients of combined grinding screw conveyor. INMATEH–Agricultural engineering. National Institute of research development for machines and installations designed to Agriculture and food industry. Inma Bucharest. 2017. Vol. 51. No. 1. 2017. P. 59–68.
  11. Pankiv V. Throughput capability of the combined screw chopper conveyor. Scientific Journal of the Ternopil National Technical University. 2017. No. 1 (85). P. 69–79.
  12. Vyhovskyi A. Iu., Baranovskyi V. M., Pankiv V. R., Hrytsai Yu. V. Obhruntuvannia parametriv shnekovykh transporteriv-podribniuvachiv koreneplodiv: monohrafiia. K.: Ahrar Media Hrup, 2019.
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  13. Hrytsai Yu. V. Matematychna model funktsionuvannia bunkera shnekovoho transportera-podribniuvacha. Naukovi dopovidi NUBiP Ukrainy. Tekhnika i enerhetyka APK: elektron. naukovyi fakhovyi zhurnal. 2018. No. 2 (72).
  14. Baranovsky V., Gritsay Yu., Marinenko S. Experimental studies of the homogeneity coefficient of crushed particles of root crops. Scientific Journal of the Ternopil National Technical University. 2019. No. 2 (94). P. 80–89.
  15. Baranovsky V., Grytsay Yu., Berezhenko B. Experimental studies of the coefficient of crushing of root crops with a screw conveyor-crusher. Scientific journal. Inovative solutions in modern science. Dubai.
    No. 4 (31). 2019. P. 20–36.
  16. Pylypets M. I., Pankiv V. R. Metodolohiia provedennia eksperymentalnykh doslidzhen kombinovanoho hvyntovoho transportera. Mizhvuzivskyi zbirnyk “Naukovi notatky”. 2017. Vyp. 60. P. 187–192. [In Ukrainian].
  17. Pankiv V. R. Obhruntuvannia parametriv hvyntovoho konveiera z kombinovanym robochym orhanom : dys. kand. tekhnichnykh nauk: 05.05.05. Ternopil, 2018. 232 p. [In Ukrainian].
  1. Grytsay Yu. Analysis of technological processes and structural features of screw conveyors. Scientific journal innovative solutions in modern science. Dubai. 2018. No. 2 (21). P. 17–32.
  2. Hevko I. B. Hvyntovi transportno-tekhnolohichni mekhanizmy: rozrakhunok i konstruiuvannia. Ternopil: TDTU imeni Ivana Puliuia, 2008. 307 p. [In Ukrainian].
  3. Rohatynskyi R. M., Hevko I. B., Diachun A. Ie. Naukovo-prykladni osnovy stvorennia hvyntovykh transportno-tekhnolohichnykh mekhanizmiv. Ternopil: TNTU im. I. Puliuia, 2014. 278 p. [in Ukrainian].
  4. Pankyv V. R. Kombynyrovannыi transporter-yzmelchytel. Nauchno-tekhnycheskyi prohress v selskokhoziaistvennom proyzvodstve. Ahrarnaia nauka – selskokhoziaistvennomu proyzvodstvu Sybyry, Kazakhstana, Monholyy, Belarusy y Bolharyy: mater. Mezhdun. nauch.-tekhn. konf. Mynsk, 19–21 okt. 2016 h. Mynsk: NPTs NAN Belarusy po mekhanyzatsyy selskoho khoziaistva, 2016. T. 1. P. 111–115. [In Russian].
  5. Bratishko V. V. Mekhaniko-tekhnolohichni osnovy pryhotuvannia povnoratsionnykh kombikormiv hvyntovymy hranuliatoramy: avtoref. dys. … d-ra. tekhnichnykh nauk: 05.05.11 / Bratishko Viacheslav Viacheslavovych; Natsionalnyi naukovyi tsent «Instytut mekhanizatsii ta elektryfikatsii silskoho hospodarstva». Hlevakha, 2017. 43 p. [In Ukrainian].
  6. Hevko R. B., Klendiy O. M. The investigation of the process of a screw the conveyer safety device actuation. INMATEH–Agricultural Engineering. National Institute of research development for machines and installations designed to Agriculture and food industry. Inma Bucharest, 2014. Vol. 42. No. 1. 2014. P. 55–60.
  7. Hevko R. B., Klendiy M. B., Klendiy O. M. Investigation of a transfer branch of a flexible screw conveyer. INMATEH–Agricultural Engineering. National Institute of research development for machines and installations designed to Agriculture and food industry. Inma Bucharest, 2016. Vol. 48. No. 1. 2016.
    P. 29–34.
  8. Storozhuk I. M., Pankiv V. R. Research results of harvesting haulm remnants of root crops. INMATEH–Agricultural engineering. National Institute of research development for machines and installations designed to Agriculture and food industry. Inma Bucharest. 2015. Vol. 46. No. 2. 2015. P. 101–108.
  9. Hevko R. B., Dzyura V.O., Romanovsky R.M. Mathematical model of the pneumatic-screw conveyor screw mechanism operation. INMATEH–Agricultural engineering. National Institute of research development for machines and installations designed to Agriculture and food industry. Inma Bucharest, 2014. Vol. 44. No. 3. 2014. P. 103–110.
  10. Pankiv V. R., Tokarchuk O. A. Іnvestigation of constructive geometrical and filling coefficients of combined grinding screw conveyor. INMATEH–Agricultural engineering. National Institute of research development for machines and installations designed to Agriculture and food industry. Inma Bucharest. 2017. Vol. 51. No. 1. 2017. P. 59–68.
  11. Pankiv V. Throughput capability of the combined screw chopper conveyor. Scientific Journal of the Ternopil National Technical University. 2017. No. 1 (85). P. 69–79.
  12. Vyhovskyi A. Iu., Baranovskyi V. M., Pankiv V. R., Hrytsai Yu. V. Obhruntuvannia parametriv shnekovykh transporteriv-podribniuvachiv koreneplodiv: monohrafiia. K.: Ahrar Media Hrup, 2019.
    300 p. [In Ukrainian].
  13. Hrytsai Yu. V. Matematychna model funktsionuvannia bunkera shnekovoho transportera-podribniuvacha. Naukovi dopovidi NUBiP Ukrainy. Tekhnika i enerhetyka APK: elektron. naukovyi fakhovyi zhurnal. 2018. No. 2 (72).
  14. Baranovsky V., Gritsay Yu., Marinenko S. Experimental studies of the homogeneity coefficient of crushed particles of root crops. Scientific Journal of the Ternopil National Technical University. 2019. No. 2 (94). P. 80–89.
  15. Baranovsky V., Grytsay Yu., Berezhenko B. Experimental studies of the coefficient of crushing of root crops with a screw conveyor-crusher. Scientific journal. Inovative solutions in modern science. Dubai.
    No. 4 (31). 2019. P. 20–36.
  16. Pylypets M. I., Pankiv V. R. Metodolohiia provedennia eksperymentalnykh doslidzhen kombinovanoho hvyntovoho transportera. Mizhvuzivskyi zbirnyk “Naukovi notatky”. 2017. Vyp. 60. P. 187–192. [In Ukrainian].
  17. Pankiv V. R. Obhruntuvannia parametriv hvyntovoho konveiera z kombinovanym robochym orhanom : dys. kand. tekhnichnykh nauk: 05.05.05. Ternopil, 2018. 232 p. [In Ukrainian].

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