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Mathematical model of the process of contact interaction of the copier with the head of the chicory root crop

НазваMathematical model of the process of contact interaction of the copier with the head of the chicory root crop
Назва англійськоюMathematical model of the process of contact interaction of the copier with the head of the chicory root crop
АвториVolodymyr Boyko
ПринадлежністьTernopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Бібліографічний описMathematical model of the process of contact interaction of the copier with the head of the chicory root crop / Volodymyr Boyko // Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern.: TNTU, 2023. — Vol 111. — No 3. — P. 115–125.
Bibliographic description:Boyko V. (2023) Mathematical model of the process of contact interaction of the copier with the head of the chicory root crop. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol 111, no 3, pp. 115–125.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33108/visnyk_tntu2023.03.115


Ключові слова

tops of root crops, tops trimmer, copier, speed of movement, strength.

One of the reserves for improving the quality indicators of haulm harvesters is to improve the technological process of haulm cutting by improving the design of cutters for haulm residues from the heads of root crops. In this regard, the development of new and improved working bodies for trimming the remains of tops from the heads of chicory root crops and studying the influence of the constructive and kinematic parameters of the cutter in order to improve the performance of haulm harvesters is an urgent scientific task. The developed mathematical models of the process of contact interaction of the copier with the head of the chicory root crop are the initial prerequisites for further technological analysis of cutting the remains of tops from the heads of root crops. The final solutions of integral equations  will make it possible to justify the main parameters of the pruner based on the conditions of permissible horizontal force and permissible normal stresses, or from the condition of not knocking out root crops from the soil and not damaging root crops.

Перелік літератури

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2.     Baranovskyi V., Pidhurskyi M., Pankiv M. Metodolohichni ta konstruktyvno-tekhnolohichni aspekty rozroblennia adaptovanykh korenezbyralnykh mashyn. Visnyk Ternopilskoho natsionalnoho tekhnichnoho universytetu. 2014. Vol. 74 (2). P. 106–113.
3.     Baranovskyi V. M. Konstruktyvno-tekhnolohichni pryntsypy zastosuvannia adaptyvnoho vykopuvalnoho robochoho orhanu korenezbyralnoi mashyny. Naukovyi visnyk NAU. 2004. No. 73. P. 249–255.
4.     Dubrovin V., Golub G., Baranovskii V., Teslyuk V. (). Identifikatsiya protsessa razrabotki adaptirovannoi korneuborochnoi mashini. Motoryzacja i Energetyka Rolnictwa. 2013. Vol. 15. Iss. 3. P. 243–255.
5.     Baranovsky V. M. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of the second feeding of a heap of roots. Mechanization of agricultural production. 2008. No. 1. P. 111–120.
6.     Baranovskyi V. M. Transportno-tekhnolohichni systemy ochysnykh robochykh orhaniv adaptovanoi korenezbyralnoi mashyny. Silskohospodarski mashyny. 2013. No. 24. P. 18–29.
7.     Baranovskyi V. M. Konstruktyvno-tekhnolohichni pryntsypy adaptyzatsii transportno-ochysnoho kombinovanoho ochysnoho robochoho orhana korenezbyralnykh mashyn. Silskohospodarski mashyny. 2005. No. 13. P. 18–24.
8.     Baranovsky V., Pankiv M., Dubchak N. Experimental research of stripping the leaves from root crops. Acta Technologica Agriculturae. 2017. Vol. 20. No. 3. P. 69–73.
9.     Potapenko M. V., Baranovskyi V. M. Vdoskonalennia ochysnykh system vorokhu koreneplodiv tsykoriiu. Scientific journal. Innovative solutions in modern science. 2016. Vol. 1(1). P. 138–146.
10. Baranovskyi V. M., Dubchak N. A., Pankiv M. R. Analiz protsesu roboty doochysnykh prystroiv korenezbyralnykh mashyn. Naukovyi zhurnal. Visnyk TDTU. 2007. Vol. 12 (1). P. 76–81.
11. Baranovskyi V. M., Solomka V. O., Onyshchenko V. B. Vybir parametriv pry konstruiuvanni hvyntovoho konveiera. Visnyk KhDTUSH. 2001. No. 8 (2). P. 209–215.
12. Baranovskyi V. M., Pankiv M. R., Berezhenko Ye. B. ta in. Tekhnolohichni aspekty protsesiv roboty hychkozbyralnykh moduliv: monohrafiia. Ternopil: Vyd-vo TNTU imeni Ivana Puliuia, 2022. 326 p.
13. Pogorelii L. V., Tatyanko M. V. Sveklouborochnie mashini: istoriya, konstruktsiya, teoriya, prognoz. K.: Feniks, 2004. 232 p.
14. Baranovsky V. M., Potapenko M. V. Theoretical analysis of the technological feed of lifted root crops. INMATEH: Agricultural Engineering. 2017. Vol. 51. No. 1. 2017. P. 29–38.
15. Herasymchuk Н. А. et al. Analytical research results of the combined root digger. INMATEH – Agricultural Engineering. 2018. Vol. 54. No. 1. 2018. P. 63–73.
16. Jobbagy J., Gabaj D., Arvay J. Evaluation of selected agro-physical properties of a root vegetable. Acta Technologica Agriculturae. 2011. Vol. 14. No. 3. P. 61–65.
17. Smal M. V., Herasymchuk O. O., Baranovskyi V. M. Matematychni modeli protsesu kopiiuvannia holovok koreneplodiv kopirom pasyvnoho doobrizchyka zalyshkiv hychky. Zb. nauk. prats Vinnytskoho natsion. ahrar.
un-tu. Seriia: Tekhnichni nauky. 2012. Vyp. 11. T. 1 (65). Р. 206–212.
18. Onyshchenko V. B., Tesliuk V.V., Storozhuk I.M. ta in. Napriamky vdoskonalennia tekhnolohichnoho protsesu vydalennia zalyshkiv hychky z holovok koreneplodiv. Mizhvid. temat. nauk. zb. Mekhanizatsiia ta elektryfikatsiia silskoho hospodarstva. XIV mizhn. nauk.-tekhn. konf. „Suchasni problemy zemlerobskoi mekhaniky”, prysviachena pamiati akad. P. M. Vasylenka. Hlevakha, 2013. P. 207–213.
19. Baranovsky V. et al. Results of the experimental investigations of fodder beets harvesting technologies. Scientific jo urnal of TNTU. 2022. Vol. 105. No. 2. P. 6–16.
20. Storozhuk I. M., Pankiv V. R. Research results of harvesting haulm remnants of root crops. INMATEH: Agricultural Engineering. 2015. Vol. 46. No. 2. P. 101–108.
21. Pankiv M. Modeling of the technological functioning process transport and cleaning system of roots. Innovative solutions in modern science. 2019. Vol. 9 (36). P. 50–60.
22. Martynenko V. Ia. Hychkozbyralni mashyny. Ternopil: TOV “Polihrafist”, 1997. 108 p.
23. Tson A. et al. Feasibility study of an auger conveyor performance of the haulm removing module. Scientific Journal of TNTU. 2018. Vol. 3 (91). P. 101–106.


1.     Baranovskyi V. M., Pidhurskyi M. I., Pankiv M. R. ta in.Osnovy rozrobky adaptovanykh transportno-tekhnolohichnykh system korenezbyralnykh mashyn: monohrafiia. Ternopil: Vyd-vo TNTU imeni Ivana Puliuia, 2014. 401 p.
2.     Baranovskyi V., Pidhurskyi M., Pankiv M. Metodolohichni ta konstruktyvno-tekhnolohichni aspekty rozroblennia adaptovanykh korenezbyralnykh mashyn. Visnyk Ternopilskoho natsionalnoho tekhnichnoho universytetu. 2014. Vol. 74 (2). P. 106–113.
3.     Baranovskyi V. M. Konstruktyvno-tekhnolohichni pryntsypy zastosuvannia adaptyvnoho vykopuvalnoho robochoho orhanu korenezbyralnoi mashyny. Naukovyi visnyk NAU. 2004. No. 73. P. 249–255.
4.     Dubrovin V., Golub G., Baranovskii V., Teslyuk V. (). Identifikatsiya protsessa razrabotki adaptirovannoi korneuborochnoi mashini. Motoryzacja i Energetyka Rolnictwa. 2013. Vol. 15. Iss. 3. P. 243–255.
5.     Baranovsky V. M. The results of theoretical and experimental studies of the second feeding of a heap of roots. Mechanization of agricultural production. 2008. No. 1. P. 111–120.
6.     Baranovskyi V. M. Transportno-tekhnolohichni systemy ochysnykh robochykh orhaniv adaptovanoi korenezbyralnoi mashyny. Silskohospodarski mashyny. 2013. No. 24. P. 18–29.
7.     Baranovskyi V. M. Konstruktyvno-tekhnolohichni pryntsypy adaptyzatsii transportno-ochysnoho kombinovanoho ochysnoho robochoho orhana korenezbyralnykh mashyn. Silskohospodarski mashyny. 2005. No. 13. P. 18–24.
8.     Baranovsky V., Pankiv M., Dubchak N. Experimental research of stripping the leaves from root crops. Acta Technologica Agriculturae. 2017. Vol. 20. No. 3. P. 69–73.
9.     Potapenko M. V., Baranovskyi V. M. Vdoskonalennia ochysnykh system vorokhu koreneplodiv tsykoriiu. Scientific journal. Innovative solutions in modern science. 2016. Vol. 1(1). P. 138–146.
10. Baranovskyi V. M., Dubchak N. A., Pankiv M. R. Analiz protsesu roboty doochysnykh prystroiv korenezbyralnykh mashyn. Naukovyi zhurnal. Visnyk TDTU. 2007. Vol. 12 (1). P. 76–81.
11. Baranovskyi V. M., Solomka V. O., Onyshchenko V. B. Vybir parametriv pry konstruiuvanni hvyntovoho konveiera. Visnyk KhDTUSH. 2001. No. 8 (2). P. 209–215.
12. Baranovskyi V. M., Pankiv M. R., Berezhenko Ye. B. ta in. Tekhnolohichni aspekty protsesiv roboty hychkozbyralnykh moduliv: monohrafiia. Ternopil: Vyd-vo TNTU imeni Ivana Puliuia, 2022. 326 p.
13. Pogorelii L. V., Tatyanko M. V. Sveklouborochnie mashini: istoriya, konstruktsiya, teoriya, prognoz. K.: Feniks, 2004. 232 p.
14. Baranovsky V. M., Potapenko M. V. Theoretical analysis of the technological feed of lifted root crops. INMATEH: Agricultural Engineering. 2017. Vol. 51. No. 1. 2017. P. 29–38.
15. Herasymchuk Н. А. et al. Analytical research results of the combined root digger. INMATEH – Agricultural Engineering. 2018. Vol. 54. No. 1. 2018. P. 63–73.
16. Jobbagy J., Gabaj D., Arvay J. Evaluation of selected agro-physical properties of a root vegetable. Acta Technologica Agriculturae. 2011. Vol. 14. No. 3. P. 61–65.
17. Smal M. V., Herasymchuk O. O., Baranovskyi V. M. Matematychni modeli protsesu kopiiuvannia holovok koreneplodiv kopirom pasyvnoho doobrizchyka zalyshkiv hychky. Zb. nauk. prats Vinnytskoho natsion. ahrar.
un-tu. Seriia: Tekhnichni nauky. 2012. Vyp. 11. T. 1 (65). Р. 206–212.
18. Onyshchenko V. B., Tesliuk V.V., Storozhuk I.M. ta in. Napriamky vdoskonalennia tekhnolohichnoho protsesu vydalennia zalyshkiv hychky z holovok koreneplodiv. Mizhvid. temat. nauk. zb. Mekhanizatsiia ta elektryfikatsiia silskoho hospodarstva. XIV mizhn. nauk.-tekhn. konf. „Suchasni problemy zemlerobskoi mekhaniky”, prysviachena pamiati akad. P. M. Vasylenka. Hlevakha, 2013. P. 207–213.
19. Baranovsky V. et al. Results of the experimental investigations of fodder beets harvesting technologies. Scientific jo urnal of TNTU. 2022. Vol. 105. No. 2. P. 6–16.
20. Storozhuk I. M., Pankiv V. R. Research results of harvesting haulm remnants of root crops. INMATEH: Agricultural Engineering. 2015. Vol. 46. No. 2. P. 101–108.
21. Pankiv M. Modeling of the technological functioning process transport and cleaning system of roots. Innovative solutions in modern science. 2019. Vol. 9 (36). P. 50–60.
22. Martynenko V. Ia. Hychkozbyralni mashyny. Ternopil: TOV “Polihrafist”, 1997. 108 p.
23. Tson A. et al. Feasibility study of an auger conveyor performance of the haulm removing module. Scientific Journal of TNTU. 2018. Vol. 3 (91). P. 101–106.


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