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Features of increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and transparent fencing structures

НазваFeatures of increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and transparent fencing structures
Назва англійськоюFeatures of increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and transparent fencing structures
АвториVolodymyr Bobyk, Halyna Kramar
ПринадлежністьTernopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Бібліографічний описFeatures of increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and transparent fencing structures / Volodymyr Bobyk, Halyna Kramar // Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern.: TNTU, 2024. — Vol 115. — No 3. — P. 44–53.
Bibliographic description:Bobyk V., Kramar H. (2024) Features of increasing the energy efficiency of buildings and transparent fencing structures. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol 115, no 3, pp. 44–53.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33108/visnyk_tntu2024.03.044

658.5 (691.12)

Ключові слова

energy efficiency, translucent fencing structures, insulating glass units, heat loss, heat transfer resistance, thermally improved spacer (TIS). polyurethane, composite based on spherulite.

On the basis of thermograms the heat losses of various parts of buildings are analyzed and measures to reduce them are proposed. It is determined that he main causes of heat loss through the walls, roof, roofhatch, floor, and windows are the irrational use of materials and absence or unprofessional insulation. It is shown that to increase the energy efficiency of the building, it is necessary to ensure the use of modern high-quality thermal insulation materials and control over the quality of work. The heat transfer resistance of single- and double insulating glass units of arbitrary dimensions (1.2 m x 1.2 m) with aluminium, steel and plastic spacer frame are calculated and their influence on the heat transfer resistance is evaluated. 3.2% increase in the heat transfer resistance of the single chamber insulating glass units and 12.6% increase in the heat transfer resistance of double chamber one is achieved due to the application of plastic spacer frame instead of  metal one.


Перелік літератури
  1. Law of Ukraine “On Energy Efficiency of Buildings” [Electronic resource]: as of June 2, 2017. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Officer. Ed.-k., Vedomosti Verkhovna Rada, 2017. 204 p. [In Ukrainian].
  2. Methodology for determining the energy efficiency of buildings Order of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Economy of Ukraine dated July 11, 2018, no. 169. Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on July 16, 2018 under No. 822/32274. Available at: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z0822-18 #Text. [In Ukrainian].
  3. SBS V.2.6-31:2021 Thermal insulation and energy efficiency of buildings. [In Ukrainian].
  4. DSTU 9191:2022 Thermal insulation of buildings. The method of choosing heat-insulating material for building insulation. [In Ukrainian].
  5. Fareniuk H. G. Basics of ensuring energy efficiency of buildings and thermal reliability of enclosing structures. K., Gama-Print, 2009, 216 p. [In Ukrainian].
  6. Ratushnyak G. S., Pankevich V. V. Hierarchical classification of influencing factors on increasing the energy efficiency of the thermal insulation shell of buildings. Modern technologies, materials and structures in construction, 2020, no. 1, pp. 87–94. Doi: 10.31649/2311-1429-2019-2-204-209. [In Ukrainian].
  7. Kuznetsova O. O., Zhukinska I. S. Evaluation of saving energy resources for heating during thermal modernization of a residential building. Visnyk KNUTD, 2015, no. 5 (90), pp. 81–90. [In Ukrainian].
  8. Yang S. et al. Comparison of sensitivity analysis methods in building energy assessment. Procedia Engineering, vol. 146, 2016, pp. 174–181.
  9. Ratushnyak G. S., Ocheretny A. M. Energy audit of multi-story residential buildings using thermal imaging. Modern technologies, materials and structures in construction, 2017, no. 1 (22), pp. 84–93. [In Ukrainian].
  10. Wei Tian. A review of sensitivity analysis methods in building energy analysis /Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol, 20, April 2013, pp. 411–419.
  11. Yusuf Yıldız, Zeynep Durmuş Arsan. Identification of the building parameters that influence heating and cooling energy loads for apartment buildings in hot-humid climates. Energy, volume 36, issue 7, July 2011, pp. 4287–4296.
  12. Hangxin Li, Shengwei Wang, Howard Cheung. Sensitivity analysis of design parameters and optimal design for zero/low energy buildings in subtropical regions. Applied Energy, volume 228, 15 October 2018, pp. 1280–1291.
  13. Ratushnyak G. S., Pankevich O. D.,. Pankevich V. V. Heat-technical features of translucent enclosing structures of buildings. Modern technologies, materials and structures in construction, vol. 30, no. 1, 2021, pp. 148–156. [In Ukrainian].
  14. Ratushnyak G. S., Pankevich O. D., Pankevich V. V. Evaluation of energy efficiency of translucent enclosing structures of buildings. Modern technologies, materials and constructions in construction, 2021, no. 2, pp. 81–87. [In Ukrainian].
  15. Pravilenko N. M., Zhirma S. O. Reducing the heat loss of buildings by applying energy-efficient design and technological solutions of junction nodes of modern translucent enclosing structures. Collection of works of young scientists of KNTU. Kirovohrad, KNTU, 2014, issue III, pp. 800–801. [In Ukrainian].
  16. Zhao J, Du YH Multi-objective optimization design for windows and shading configuration considering energy consumption and thermal comfort: A case study for office building in different climatic regions of China. SOLAR ENERGY, 2020, vol. 206, pp. 997–1017.
  17. Energy calculator of windows and doors. OKNA.ua. Available at: https:// okna.ua/enereffektivnost_okna. [In Ukrainian].
  18. WinDoPlan. Available at: https://veka.ua/ua/partners/spravochnik/articles/profile/windoplan-pravilne-ta-zruchne-proektuvannya-vikon-za-normami/. [In Ukrainian].
  19. DSTU-N B V.2.6-146:2010 Structures of buildings and structures. Guidelines for the design and arrangement of windows and doors. [In Ukrainian].
  20. Warm remote frame"-an innovation in the energy saving market. Available at: https://www.okna-modern.com.ua/ua/tyoplaya-distancziya-v-steklopakete-–-innovacziya-na-ryinke-energosberegayushhix-okon.html. [In Ukrainian].
  21. Warm remote frame. Available at: https://www.swisspacer.com/en/insights/warm-edge-knowledge.
  22. Mi-SuShin, Kyu-NamRhee, Ji-YongYu and Gun-Joo Jung Determination of Equivalent Thermal Conductivity of Window Spacers in Consideration of Condensation Prevention and Energy Saving Performance. Energies 2017, 10, 717. Doi: 10.3390/en10050717. [In Ukrainian].
  23. DSTU B EN ISO 10077-1:2022 Thermal properties of windows, doors and blinds. Calculation of the heat transfer coefficient. Part 1. General conditions (EN ISO 10077-1:2006 + EN ISO 10077-1:2006/AC:2009, IDT). [In Ukrainian].
  24. DSTU B EN ISO 10077-2:2022 Thermal properties of windows, doors and blinds. Calculation of the heat transfer coefficient. Part 2. Numerical calculation methods for window frames (EN ISO 10077-2:2012+EN ISO 10077-2:2012/AC:2012, IDT). [In Ukrainian].
  25. DSTU B V.2.6-79:2009 Structures of buildings and structures. Seams of connecting points of abutments of window blocks to wall structures. General technical conditions.


  1. Law of Ukraine “On Energy Efficiency of Buildings” [Electronic resource]: as of June 2, 2017. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. Officer. Ed.-k., Vedomosti Verkhovna Rada, 2017. 204 p. [In Ukrainian].
  2. Methodology for determining the energy efficiency of buildings Order of the Ministry of Regional Development, Construction and Housing and Communal Economy of Ukraine dated July 11, 2018, no. 169. Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on July 16, 2018 under No. 822/32274. Available at: https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/z0822-18 #Text. [In Ukrainian].
  3. SBS V.2.6-31:2021 Thermal insulation and energy efficiency of buildings. [In Ukrainian].
  4. DSTU 9191:2022 Thermal insulation of buildings. The method of choosing heat-insulating material for building insulation. [In Ukrainian].
  5. Fareniuk H. G. Basics of ensuring energy efficiency of buildings and thermal reliability of enclosing structures. K., Gama-Print, 2009, 216 p. [In Ukrainian].
  6. Ratushnyak G. S., Pankevich V. V. Hierarchical classification of influencing factors on increasing the energy efficiency of the thermal insulation shell of buildings. Modern technologies, materials and structures in construction, 2020, no. 1, pp. 87–94. Doi: 10.31649/2311-1429-2019-2-204-209. [In Ukrainian].
  7. Kuznetsova O. O., Zhukinska I. S. Evaluation of saving energy resources for heating during thermal modernization of a residential building. Visnyk KNUTD, 2015, no. 5 (90), pp. 81–90. [In Ukrainian].
  8. Yang S. et al. Comparison of sensitivity analysis methods in building energy assessment. Procedia Engineering, vol. 146, 2016, pp. 174–181.
  9. Ratushnyak G. S., Ocheretny A. M. Energy audit of multi-story residential buildings using thermal imaging. Modern technologies, materials and structures in construction, 2017, no. 1 (22), pp. 84–93. [In Ukrainian].
  10. Wei Tian. A review of sensitivity analysis methods in building energy analysis /Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol, 20, April 2013, pp. 411–419.
  11. Yusuf Yıldız, Zeynep Durmuş Arsan. Identification of the building parameters that influence heating and cooling energy loads for apartment buildings in hot-humid climates. Energy, volume 36, issue 7, July 2011, pp. 4287–4296.
  12. Hangxin Li, Shengwei Wang, Howard Cheung. Sensitivity analysis of design parameters and optimal design for zero/low energy buildings in subtropical regions. Applied Energy, volume 228, 15 October 2018, pp. 1280–1291.
  13. Ratushnyak G. S., Pankevich O. D.,. Pankevich V. V. Heat-technical features of translucent enclosing structures of buildings. Modern technologies, materials and structures in construction, vol. 30, no. 1, 2021, pp. 148–156. [In Ukrainian].
  14. Ratushnyak G. S., Pankevich O. D., Pankevich V. V. Evaluation of energy efficiency of translucent enclosing structures of buildings. Modern technologies, materials and constructions in construction, 2021, no. 2, pp. 81–87. [In Ukrainian].
  15. Pravilenko N. M., Zhirma S. O. Reducing the heat loss of buildings by applying energy-efficient design and technological solutions of junction nodes of modern translucent enclosing structures. Collection of works of young scientists of KNTU. Kirovohrad, KNTU, 2014, issue III, pp. 800–801. [In Ukrainian].
  16. Zhao J, Du YH Multi-objective optimization design for windows and shading configuration considering energy consumption and thermal comfort: A case study for office building in different climatic regions of China. SOLAR ENERGY, 2020, vol. 206, pp. 997–1017.
  17. Energy calculator of windows and doors. OKNA.ua. Available at: https:// okna.ua/enereffektivnost_okna. [In Ukrainian].
  18. WinDoPlan. Available at: https://veka.ua/ua/partners/spravochnik/articles/profile/windoplan-pravilne-ta-zruchne-proektuvannya-vikon-za-normami/. [In Ukrainian].
  19. DSTU-N B V.2.6-146:2010 Structures of buildings and structures. Guidelines for the design and arrangement of windows and doors. [In Ukrainian].
  20. Warm remote frame"-an innovation in the energy saving market. Available at: https://www.okna-modern.com.ua/ua/tyoplaya-distancziya-v-steklopakete-–-innovacziya-na-ryinke-energosberegayushhix-okon.html. [In Ukrainian].
  21. Warm remote frame. Available at: https://www.swisspacer.com/en/insights/warm-edge-knowledge.
  22. Mi-SuShin, Kyu-NamRhee, Ji-YongYu and Gun-Joo Jung Determination of Equivalent Thermal Conductivity of Window Spacers in Consideration of Condensation Prevention and Energy Saving Performance. Energies 2017, 10, 717. Doi: 10.3390/en10050717. [In Ukrainian].
  23. DSTU B EN ISO 10077-1:2022 Thermal properties of windows, doors and blinds. Calculation of the heat transfer coefficient. Part 1. General conditions (EN ISO 10077-1:2006 + EN ISO 10077-1:2006/AC:2009, IDT). [In Ukrainian].
  24. DSTU B EN ISO 10077-2:2022 Thermal properties of windows, doors and blinds. Calculation of the heat transfer coefficient. Part 2. Numerical calculation methods for window frames (EN ISO 10077-2:2012+EN ISO 10077-2:2012/AC:2012, IDT). [In Ukrainian].
  25. DSTU B V.2.6-79:2009 Structures of buildings and structures. Seams of connecting points of abutments of window blocks to wall structures. General technical conditions.

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