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Composition of the mixture for silicization and boriding of products made of silicon carbide and molybdenum disilicyde

НазваComposition of the mixture for silicization and boriding of products made of silicon carbide and molybdenum disilicyde
Назва англійськоюComposition of the mixture for silicization and boriding of products made of silicon carbide and molybdenum disilicyde
АвториVasiliy Kovbashyn; Igor Bochar
ПринадлежністьTernopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine Ternopil Volodymyr Gnatyuk National Pedagogical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Бібліографічний описComposition of the mixture for silicization and boriding of products made of silicon carbide and molybdenum disilicyde / Vasiliy Kovbashyn; Igor Bochar // Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern.: TNTU, 2024. — Vol 116. — No 4. — P. 31–37.
Bibliographic description:Kovbashyn V.; Bochar I. (2024) Composition of the mixture for silicization and boriding of products made of silicon carbide and molybdenum disilicyde. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol 116, no 4, pp. 31–37.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33108/visnyk_tntu2024.04.031


Ключові слова

silicification, boriding, silicon carbide, molybdenum disilicide, ceramic materials.

The work describes the constitution of the composition for processing ceramic materials, made of reaction-sintered silicon carbide and molybdenum disilicide. The conditions of the technical and technological process of processing non-metallic ceramic materials depending on the composition of silicide and boride powder mixtures were studied and analyzed. It has been established that the improvement of the operational characteristics of powder mixtures for silicification and boronization can be achieved with the help of a complex activator. On the basis of the conducted research, the optimal composition of the mixture is proposed, which ensures high-quality saturation of the treated surface and almost doubles the diffusion saturation with silicon and boron. It was also established that different compositions of silicide and boride mixtures can be used to intensify the process of processing ceramic materials in a saturating environment. Diffusion saturation of ceramic materials is recommended to be carried out using titanium hydride, which ensures the required saturation speed and high quality of the treated surface. The research results showed that the proposed compositions of mixtures for silicification and boronization can be recommended for processing products based on reaction-sintered silicon carbide and molybdenum disilicide materials used for the manufacture of electric heaters and various structural elements of high-temperature equipment.

Перелік літератури
1. Kovbashyn V., Bochar I. (2019) Method of reaction-sintered products processing based on silicon carbide and molibdenum disilicide. Scientific Journal of TNTU, vol. 94, no. 2, pp. 75–79.
2. Horbatyuk R. M. (2000) Surface hardening of molybdenum and tungsten. Mechanical engineering, no. 1, pp. 14–18.
3. Kovbashin V. I., Bochar I. Y. (2014) Technological features of silicide coating formation on silicon carbide and molybdenum disilicide. Scientific Journal of TNTU, no. 3 (75), pp. 127–131. (in Ukrainian).
4. Kozlov L., Polishchuk L., Piontkevych O., Horbatiuk R., Korinenko M., Komada P., Orazalieva S., Ussatova O. (2019) Experimental research characteristics of counterbalance valve for hydraulic drive control system of mobile machine. Przegląd elektrotechniczny, vol. 95, no. 4, pp. 104–109.
5. Buketov A., Stukhlyak P., Maruschak P., Panin S., Menou A. (2016) Regularities of impact failure of epoxy composites with Al2O3 microfiller and their analysis on the basis of external surface layer concept. Key Engineering Materials, vol. 712, pp. 149–154.
6. Buketov A., Stukhlyak P., Maruschak P., Panin S., Menou A. (2016) Physical and chemical aspects of formation of epoxy composite material with microfilling agent. Key Engineering Materials, vol. 712, pp. 143–148.
7. Stukhlyak P. D., Holotenko O. S., Dobrotvor I. H., Mytnyk M. M. (2015) Investigation of the adhesive strength and residual stresses in epoxy composites modified by microwave electromagnetic treatment. Materials Science, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 208–212.
8. Stukhlyak P. D., Buketov A. V., Panin S. V., Kornienko L. A., Lyukshin B. A. (2015) Structural fracture scales in shock-loaded epoxy composites. Physical Mesomechanics, , vol. 18 (1), pp. 58–74.
9. Skachkov V. O., Berezhna O. R., Belokon Yu. O. High-temperature composite materials based on carbon and ceramics: monograph. Zaporizhzhia: ZDIA, 2016, 301 p. (In Ukrainian).
10. Kovbashin V. I., Bochar I. Y. (2015) The influence of silicoboration technology of ceramic materials on the properties of protective coatings. Scientific Journal of TNTU, no. 2 (78), pp. 130–138. (In Ukrainian).
11. Kovbashyn V., Bochar I. (2018) Technological conditions of diffusive boride coating formation on silicon carbide and molybdenum disilicide. Scientific Journal of TNTU, vol. 90, no. 2, pp. 87–91. (In Ukrainian).
12. Kovbashyn V., Bochar I. (2017) The study of technologies to improve physical-mechanical and chemical properties of reaction sintered ceramic materials on the basis of silicon. Scientific Journal of TNTU, vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 14–20. (In Ukrainian).
13. Kovbashyn V., Bochar I. (2024) Heat treatment of molybdenum and tungsten in powder environments. Scientific Journal of TNTU, vol. 115, no. 3, pp. 23–29.
14. Bochar I. Y., Loskutov V. F., Khizhnyak V. G., Pogrebova I. S., Horbatyuk R. M. Carbide coatings on steels and hard alloys: monograph. Ternopil: Lileya, 1998, 144 p. (In Ukrainian).
15. Bochar I. Y., Dzyadykevich Y. V., Horbatyuk R. M. The composition of the mixture for boronizing products from silicon carbide and molybdenum disilicide. No. 30237 A dated November 15, 2000 Bull. No. 6–11. (In Ukrainian).
16. Bochar I. Y., Dzyadykevich Y. V., Horbatyuk R. M. The composition of the mixture for silicification of silicon carbide and molybdenum disilicide products. No. 30239 A dated November 15, 2000 Bull. No. 6–11. (In Ukrainian).


1. Kovbashyn V., Bochar I. (2019) Method of reaction-sintered products processing based on silicon carbide and molibdenum disilicide. Scientific Journal of TNTU, vol. 94, no. 2, pp. 75–79.
2. Horbatyuk R. M. (2000) Surface hardening of molybdenum and tungsten. Mechanical engineering, no. 1, pp. 14–18.
3. Kovbashin V. I., Bochar I. Y. (2014) Technological features of silicide coating formation on silicon carbide and molybdenum disilicide. Scientific Journal of TNTU, no. 3 (75), pp. 127–131. (in Ukrainian).
4. Kozlov L., Polishchuk L., Piontkevych O., Horbatiuk R., Korinenko M., Komada P., Orazalieva S., Ussatova O. (2019) Experimental research characteristics of counterbalance valve for hydraulic drive control system of mobile machine. Przegląd elektrotechniczny, vol. 95, no. 4, pp. 104–109.
5. Buketov A., Stukhlyak P., Maruschak P., Panin S., Menou A. (2016) Regularities of impact failure of epoxy composites with Al2O3 microfiller and their analysis on the basis of external surface layer concept. Key Engineering Materials, vol. 712, pp. 149–154.
6. Buketov A., Stukhlyak P., Maruschak P., Panin S., Menou A. (2016) Physical and chemical aspects of formation of epoxy composite material with microfilling agent. Key Engineering Materials, vol. 712, pp. 143–148.
7. Stukhlyak P. D., Holotenko O. S., Dobrotvor I. H., Mytnyk M. M. (2015) Investigation of the adhesive strength and residual stresses in epoxy composites modified by microwave electromagnetic treatment. Materials Science, vol. 51, no. 2, pp. 208–212.
8. Stukhlyak P. D., Buketov A. V., Panin S. V., Kornienko L. A., Lyukshin B. A. (2015) Structural fracture scales in shock-loaded epoxy composites. Physical Mesomechanics, , vol. 18 (1), pp. 58–74.
9. Skachkov V. O., Berezhna O. R., Belokon Yu. O. High-temperature composite materials based on carbon and ceramics: monograph. Zaporizhzhia: ZDIA, 2016, 301 p. (In Ukrainian).
10. Kovbashin V. I., Bochar I. Y. (2015) The influence of silicoboration technology of ceramic materials on the properties of protective coatings. Scientific Journal of TNTU, no. 2 (78), pp. 130–138. (In Ukrainian).
11. Kovbashyn V., Bochar I. (2018) Technological conditions of diffusive boride coating formation on silicon carbide and molybdenum disilicide. Scientific Journal of TNTU, vol. 90, no. 2, pp. 87–91. (In Ukrainian).
12. Kovbashyn V., Bochar I. (2017) The study of technologies to improve physical-mechanical and chemical properties of reaction sintered ceramic materials on the basis of silicon. Scientific Journal of TNTU, vol. 86, no. 2, pp. 14–20. (In Ukrainian).
13. Kovbashyn V., Bochar I. (2024) Heat treatment of molybdenum and tungsten in powder environments. Scientific Journal of TNTU, vol. 115, no. 3, pp. 23–29.
14. Bochar I. Y., Loskutov V. F., Khizhnyak V. G., Pogrebova I. S., Horbatyuk R. M. Carbide coatings on steels and hard alloys: monograph. Ternopil: Lileya, 1998, 144 p. (In Ukrainian).
15. Bochar I. Y., Dzyadykevich Y. V., Horbatyuk R. M. The composition of the mixture for boronizing products from silicon carbide and molybdenum disilicide. No. 30237 A dated November 15, 2000 Bull. No. 6–11. (In Ukrainian).
16. Bochar I. Y., Dzyadykevich Y. V., Horbatyuk R. M. The composition of the mixture for silicification of silicon carbide and molybdenum disilicide products. No. 30239 A dated November 15, 2000 Bull. No. 6–11. (In Ukrainian).



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