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Optimization of the parameters of working bodies root pile cleaner

НазваOptimization of the parameters of working bodies root pile cleaner
Назва англійськоюOptimization of the parameters of working bodies root pile cleaner
АвториMaria Pankiv, Julia Pankiv, Vitalii Pankiv
ПринадлежністьTernopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Бібліографічний описOptimization of the parameters of working bodies root pile cleaner / Maria Pankiv, Julia Pankiv, Vitalii Pankiv // Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern.: TNTU, 2024. — Vol 116. — No 4. — P. 38–49.
Bibliographic description:Pankiv M., Pankiv J., Pankiv V. (2024) Optimization of the parameters of working bodies root pile cleaner. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol 116, no 4, pp. 38–49.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33108/visnyk_tntu2024.04.038


Ключові слова

root crops, root harvester, cleaning module, quality indicators, general impurities, sticky soil, damage to root crops, parameters, movement speed, rotation frequency, soil moisture.

Root crops are valuable technical crops, and their raw material processing ensures the production of food (sugar, alcohol, juicy fodder for livestock, inulin for the field of medicine) and technical (renewable energy sources – biofuel) products is one of the types of organic fertilizers. The use of modern self-propelled bunker root harvesters in Ukraine, which are built according to the block-module principle, is profitable under the condition of seasonal production on a minimum area of 300 hectares or more. Therefore, in the conditions of management of multi-branch agricultural enterprises that grow root crops on small areas, an urgent technical and economic problem is the payback of technically complex and too expensive (from UAH 350 to 750 thousand per unit) root harvesting machines in connection with the specifics of the work – limited climatic terms of their use during the year (about one calendar month) and on small areas - up to 20...50 ha. Reducing the content of general soil and plant impurities in raw root crops by 0.5...1.5% reduces the total costs of their processing by an average of 10 to 15%, and reducing sticky soil by 0.5...0.8% reduces the costs of its separation (washing, scraping, etc.) on average from 8 to 12%. At the same time, the yield of the final processing product of higher quality is significantly increased by an average of 10...20%. The maximum permissible values of the work quality indicator in accordance with agrotechnical requirements were obtained with the following compromise values of the input factors: fodder and sugar beets: for augers of round section: rotation frequency of augers 150...160 rpm; rotation frequency of elastic elements 500...700 rpm; soil moisture 20...22%; speed of movement of the root harvesting machine up to 5...6 km/h; for elliptical screws: screw rotation frequency 120...160 rpm; rotation frequency of elastic elements 500...700 rpm; soil moisture 20...22%; speed of movement of the root harvesting machine up to 6...7 km/h; root crops of chicory: rotation frequency of the screw conveyor 140...150 rpm; soil moisture 20...22%; speed of movement of the root harvesting machine up to 6...7 km/h. The obtained results are a further step in the improvement of the methodology, methods of development and optimization of parameters of the work processes of transport and technological systems of root harvesting machines.

Перелік літератури
1. Baranovsky V. M. (2006) The main stages and general principles of modern trends in the development of root harvesting machines. Bulletin of TNTU, no. 11 (2), pp. 67–75. (In Ukrainian).
2. Pohorilyy L. V. (2003) Modern problems of agricultural mechanics and mechanical engineering in the creation of new generation agricultural machinery. Mechanization of agricultural production, vol. 20, pp. 10–28. (In Ukrainian).
3. Baranovsky V. M., Skalsky O. J., Pankiv M. R., (2017) Pastushenko, A.S. Chicory root crops combined harvester. INMATEH – Agricultural Engineering, vol. 53 (3), pp. 41–50. (In Ukrainian).
4. Kravchuk V. I., Hrytsyshina M. I., Kovalya S. M. (2004). Modern trends in the development of the construction of agricultural machines. Under the editorship. K.: Agrarian science, 353 p. (In Ukrainian).
5. Baranovsky V. M. (2013) Transport and technological systems of cleaning working bodies of the adapted root harvester. Agricultural machines, no. 24, pp. 18–29. (In Ukrainian).
6. Voytiuk D. G., Baranovskyi V. M., Bulgakov V. M. (2005). Agricultural machines. Basics of theory and calculation: a textbook; under the editorship D.G. Voytyuka K: Higher education, 464 p. (In Ukrainian).
7. Potapenko M. V. Grounding of the parameters of the purification system of a pile of chicory root crops: diss. for obtaining sciences. candidate degree technical Science: specialty 05.05.11 – machines and means of mechanization of agricultural production. Berezhany, 218. 259 p. (In Ukrainian).
8. Baranovsky V., Truhanska O., Pankiv M., Bandura V. (2022) Research of a contact impact of a root crop with a screw auger. Res. Agr. Eng, vol. 66, pp. 33–42.
9. Pankiv M., Pidhurskyi M., Pylypets M., Babii A., Burda M. (2021) Method of step-by-step development of a mathematical model of the process of separating impurities from root crops. Scientific Journal of TNTU, vol. 104, no. 4, pp. 74–86.
10. Hevko R., Zalutskyi S., Tkachenko I., Lyashuk O. (2021) Design development and study of an elastic sectional screw operating tool. Acta Polytechnica, vol. 61 (5), pp. 624–632.
11. Baranovsky V. M. (2005) Structural and technological principles of adaptation of the transport-cleaning combined working body of root-harvesting machines. Agricultural machines, no. 13, pp. 18–24. (In Ukrainian).
12. Trukhanska O. O., Baranovskyi V. M., Pankiv M. R., Vyhovsky A. Yu. (2017). The combined transport and cleaning system of a heap of root-harvesting machines: monograph. K.: CP “Comprint”, 248 p. (In Ukrainian).
13. Hevko R. B., Baranovsky V. M., Lyashuk O. L., Pohrishchuk B. V., Gumeniuk Y. O. (2018) The influence of bulk material flow on technical and economical performance of a screw conveyor. INMATEH–Agricultural Engineering, vol. 56 (3), pp. 175–184.
14. Gurchenko O. P., Baranovskyi V. M. (1995) Test results of the modernized MKK-6A root harvester. Mechanization and electrification of agriculture, no. 81, pp. 57–60. (In Ukrainian).
15. Berezhenko Eu., Pankiv M., Jobbagy Ja., Berezhenko B. (2021) Experimental research of the module for gathering plant of chicory roots. Scientific Journal of the Ternopil National Technical University, no. 1 (101), pp. 56–67.
16. Biletsky V. S. (2023). Methodology of scientific research of technical objects and their optimization. NTU “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute|. Kyiv: FOP Khalikov Ruslan Khalikovych, 118 p. (In Ukrainian).
17. Baranovsky V. M., Dubchak N. A., Oliynyk O. F., Pankiv M. R. Patent No. 28465. Ukraine. IPC 33/08. Cleaning system of a pile of root crops. Publ. 15.12.2006. Bul. No. 12/2006. (In Ukrainian).
18. Pidgurskyi M., Gerasymchuk H., Pankiv M. (2023) Theoretical studies of the technological process of harvesting chicory root crops. Scientific Journal of the TNTU, vol. 111, no. 3, pp. 139–151.
19. Baranovsky V., Tesliuk V., Lukach V., Ikalchyk M., Kushnirenko A., Kulyk V. (2021) The results of root crop cleaner experimental research. Scientific Journal of TNTU, vol. 101, no. 1, pp. 47–55.
20. Chernyak O. I., Stavytskyi A. V. (2000). Dynamic econometrics. K.: KVITS, 120 p. (In Ukrainian).
21. Nurmiev A., Khafizov C., Khafizov R., Ziganshin B. (2018) Optimization of main parameters of tractor working with soil-processing implement. Engineering for Rural Development, vol. 17, pp. 161–167.
22. Kalinin A., Teplinsky I., Ruzhev V. (2021) Improvement of digging shares of root harvesting machines based on rheological model of soil state. Engineering for Rural Development, vol. 20, pp. 105–1057.
23. Baranovsky V. M., Pankiv M. R., Potapenko M. V. (2017) Mathematical model of the functioning of the transport and cleaning system. Scientific bulletin of NUBiP of Ukraine. Series “Technology and energy of agricultural industry”, ed. center of NUBiP of Ukraine, issue 258, pp. 314–322. (In Ukrainian).
24. Nechaev V., Beridze T., Kononenko V. (2005). Theory of experiment planning. Condor, 248 p. (In Ukrainian).
25. Ramsh V. Yu., Baranovskyi V. M., Pankiv M. R., Gerasimchuk G. A. (2011) Methodology and results of experimental studies of the combined cleaner of root crops. Scientific notes, issue 35, pp. 146–152. (In Ukrainian).


1. Baranovsky V. M. (2006) The main stages and general principles of modern trends in the development of root harvesting machines. Bulletin of TNTU, no. 11 (2), pp. 67–75. (In Ukrainian).
2. Pohorilyy L. V. (2003) Modern problems of agricultural mechanics and mechanical engineering in the creation of new generation agricultural machinery. Mechanization of agricultural production, vol. 20, pp. 10–28. (In Ukrainian).
3. Baranovsky V. M., Skalsky O. J., Pankiv M. R., (2017) Pastushenko, A.S. Chicory root crops combined harvester. INMATEH – Agricultural Engineering, vol. 53 (3), pp. 41–50. (In Ukrainian).
4. Kravchuk V. I., Hrytsyshina M. I., Kovalya S. M. (2004). Modern trends in the development of the construction of agricultural machines. Under the editorship. K.: Agrarian science, 353 p. (In Ukrainian).
5. Baranovsky V. M. (2013) Transport and technological systems of cleaning working bodies of the adapted root harvester. Agricultural machines, no. 24, pp. 18–29. (In Ukrainian).
6. Voytiuk D. G., Baranovskyi V. M., Bulgakov V. M. (2005). Agricultural machines. Basics of theory and calculation: a textbook; under the editorship D.G. Voytyuka K: Higher education, 464 p. (In Ukrainian).
7. Potapenko M. V. Grounding of the parameters of the purification system of a pile of chicory root crops: diss. for obtaining sciences. candidate degree technical Science: specialty 05.05.11 – machines and means of mechanization of agricultural production. Berezhany, 218. 259 p. (In Ukrainian).
8. Baranovsky V., Truhanska O., Pankiv M., Bandura V. (2022) Research of a contact impact of a root crop with a screw auger. Res. Agr. Eng, vol. 66, pp. 33–42.
9. Pankiv M., Pidhurskyi M., Pylypets M., Babii A., Burda M. (2021) Method of step-by-step development of a mathematical model of the process of separating impurities from root crops. Scientific Journal of TNTU, vol. 104, no. 4, pp. 74–86.
10. Hevko R., Zalutskyi S., Tkachenko I., Lyashuk O. (2021) Design development and study of an elastic sectional screw operating tool. Acta Polytechnica, vol. 61 (5), pp. 624–632.
11. Baranovsky V. M. (2005) Structural and technological principles of adaptation of the transport-cleaning combined working body of root-harvesting machines. Agricultural machines, no. 13, pp. 18–24. (In Ukrainian).
12. Trukhanska O. O., Baranovskyi V. M., Pankiv M. R., Vyhovsky A. Yu. (2017). The combined transport and cleaning system of a heap of root-harvesting machines: monograph. K.: CP “Comprint”, 248 p. (In Ukrainian).
13. Hevko R. B., Baranovsky V. M., Lyashuk O. L., Pohrishchuk B. V., Gumeniuk Y. O. (2018) The influence of bulk material flow on technical and economical performance of a screw conveyor. INMATEH–Agricultural Engineering, vol. 56 (3), pp. 175–184.
14. Gurchenko O. P., Baranovskyi V. M. (1995) Test results of the modernized MKK-6A root harvester. Mechanization and electrification of agriculture, no. 81, pp. 57–60. (In Ukrainian).
15. Berezhenko Eu., Pankiv M., Jobbagy Ja., Berezhenko B. (2021) Experimental research of the module for gathering plant of chicory roots. Scientific Journal of the Ternopil National Technical University, no. 1 (101), pp. 56–67.
16. Biletsky V. S. (2023). Methodology of scientific research of technical objects and their optimization. NTU “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute|. Kyiv: FOP Khalikov Ruslan Khalikovych, 118 p. (In Ukrainian).
17. Baranovsky V. M., Dubchak N. A., Oliynyk O. F., Pankiv M. R. Patent No. 28465. Ukraine. IPC 33/08. Cleaning system of a pile of root crops. Publ. 15.12.2006. Bul. No. 12/2006. (In Ukrainian).
18. Pidgurskyi M., Gerasymchuk H., Pankiv M. (2023) Theoretical studies of the technological process of harvesting chicory root crops. Scientific Journal of the TNTU, vol. 111, no. 3, pp. 139–151.
19. Baranovsky V., Tesliuk V., Lukach V., Ikalchyk M., Kushnirenko A., Kulyk V. (2021) The results of root crop cleaner experimental research. Scientific Journal of TNTU, vol. 101, no. 1, pp. 47–55.
20. Chernyak O. I., Stavytskyi A. V. (2000). Dynamic econometrics. K.: KVITS, 120 p. (In Ukrainian).
21. Nurmiev A., Khafizov C., Khafizov R., Ziganshin B. (2018) Optimization of main parameters of tractor working with soil-processing implement. Engineering for Rural Development, vol. 17, pp. 161–167.
22. Kalinin A., Teplinsky I., Ruzhev V. (2021) Improvement of digging shares of root harvesting machines based on rheological model of soil state. Engineering for Rural Development, vol. 20, pp. 105–1057.
23. Baranovsky V. M., Pankiv M. R., Potapenko M. V. (2017) Mathematical model of the functioning of the transport and cleaning system. Scientific bulletin of NUBiP of Ukraine. Series “Technology and energy of agricultural industry”, ed. center of NUBiP of Ukraine, issue 258, pp. 314–322. (In Ukrainian).
24. Nechaev V., Beridze T., Kononenko V. (2005). Theory of experiment planning. Condor, 248 p. (In Ukrainian).
25. Ramsh V. Yu., Baranovskyi V. M., Pankiv M. R., Gerasimchuk G. A. (2011) Methodology and results of experimental studies of the combined cleaner of root crops. Scientific notes, issue 35, pp. 146–152. (In Ukrainian).



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