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Methodology of experimental and analytical research of technical systems

НазваMethodology of experimental and analytical research of technical systems
Назва англійськоюMethodology of experimental and analytical research of technical systems
АвториMykola Pidgurskyi, Mykola Stashkiv, Ivan Pidgurskyi, Vasyl Oleksyuk, Oleh Pidluzhnyi, Denys Bykiv, Ivan Borys, Ruslan Bulaienko, Victor Stashkiv, Andriy Mushak
ПринадлежністьTernopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University, Ternopil, Ukraine West Ukrainian National University, Ternopil, Ukraine
Бібліографічний описMethodology of experimental and analytical research of technical systems / Mykola Pidgurskyi, Mykola Stashkiv, Ivan Pidgurskyi, Vasyl Oleksyuk, Oleh Pidluzhnyi, Denys Bykiv, Ivan Borys, Ruslan Bulaienko, Victor Stashkiv, Andriy Mushak // Scientific Journal of TNTU. — Tern.: TNTU, 2024. — Vol 116. — No 4. — P. 50–58.
Bibliographic description:Pidgurskyi M., Stashkiv M., Pidgurskyi I., Oleksyuk V., Pidluzhnyi O., Bykiv D., Borys I., Bulaienko R., Stashkiv V., Mushak A. (2024) Methodology of experimental and analytical research of technical systems. Scientific Journal of TNTU (Tern.), vol 116, no 4, pp. 50–58.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.33108/visnyk_tntu2024.04.050


Ключові слова

design, load, research, measurement, technique, multifunctional measuring system.

An analysis of modern measuring systems for assessing static and dynamic loads was carried out. A multifunctional measuring system has been developed for the study of operational load modes and assessment of the stress-strain state of technical systems. Real-time experiments of the operating load of mobile machines and the stress-strain state of the overhead crane beams were conducted.
Перелік літератури
1. Troshchenko V. T., Lebedev A. A., Strizhalo V. A. and others (2000). Mechanical behavior of materialsunder different types of loading. K.: Logos, 570 p. (In Ukrainian).
2. Makhnenko V. I. (2006). Resource for safe operation of welded joints and nodes of modern structures. K.:Naukova dumka, 618 p. (In Ukrainian).
3. Duffy J. E. (2022). Modern Automotive Technology. The Goodheart-Wilcox, 1485 p.
4. Ghazaly N. (2014) Applications of Finite Element Stress Analysis of Heavy Truck Chassis: Survey and Recent Development, Journal of Mechanical Design and Vibration, 2 (3), pp. 69–73.
5. Abboush M., Bamal D., Knieke Chr., Rausch A. (2022) Hardware-in-the-loop-based real-time fault injection framework for dynamic behavior analysis of automotive software systems. Sensors, 22 (4), 1360 p.
6. Fathy H. K., Filipi Z. S., Hagena J., Stein J. L. Review of hardware-in-the-loop simulation and its prospects in the automotive area. In Proceedings of the Modeling and Simulation for Military Applications, Orlando, FL, USA, 17–21 April 2006; SPIE: Bellingham,DC, USA, 2006, vol. 6228, 20 p.
7. Babamiri A., Hadian S. and Wheatley G., (2021) Fatigue and Stress Analysis of a Load Carrying Car Chassis with Reinforced Joint using Finite Elemen Method. Revista GEINTEC: Revista Gestão Inovação e Tecnologias, vol. 11, pp. 2156–2176.
8. Hubka V., Eder W. E., (1988) Theory of Technical Systems: A Total Concept Theory for Engineering Design, New York: Springer-Verlag, 275 p.
9. Lazarević M. P., (2015) Elements of mathematical phenomenology of self-organization nonlinear dynamical systems: Synergetics and fractional calculus approach, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, vol. 73, pp. 31–42.
10. Mykola Pіdgurskyi, Yevgen Ripetskyi, and Ivan Pidgurskyi Research and simulation of load modes in the evaluation of mobile machines resource. AIP Conference Proceedings 2029, 020064 (2018), 7 p.
11. Drozdov O. V., Kharchenko V. V., Dzyuba V. S., Kravchuk L. V., Potapov O. M., Sirenko V. M., Husarova I. A., Klymenko D. V., Kharchenko V. M., Samusenko O. O. (2016) Multifunctional information and measurement system for equipping stands and installations when using models and structural elements from composite materials for durability. Problems of strength, no. 5, pp. 52–60. (In Ukrainian).
12. HBM MGCplus Operating Manual. 2018. 304 p. Available at: www.hbm.com/.
13. ECON Vibration Test Sysytem. 2022. 34 p. Available at: www.econ-group.com/.
14. Dynamic test & measurement solutions. 2021. 82 p. Available at: www.crystalinstruments.com/.
15. Babak V. P., Babak S. V., Eremenko V. S. and others under the editorship member-cor (2017). NAS of Ukraine V.P. Babaka Theoretical foundations of information and measurement systems: Textbook, 2nd ed., revised. and additional. K.: University of New Technologies; NAU, 496 p. (In Ukrainian).
16. Borysiuk D. V., Yatskovskyi V. I. (2013) Measurement and analysis systems of vibration, impact and noise. Vibrations in technology and technologies, no. 4 (72), pp. 5–12. (In Ukrainian).
17. Gillespie T. D. (2021). Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics, Revised Edition SAE International, 512p.


1. Troshchenko V. T., Lebedev A. A., Strizhalo V. A. and others (2000). Mechanical behavior of materialsunder different types of loading. K.: Logos, 570 p. (In Ukrainian).
2. Makhnenko V. I. (2006). Resource for safe operation of welded joints and nodes of modern structures. K.:Naukova dumka, 618 p. (In Ukrainian).
3. Duffy J. E. (2022). Modern Automotive Technology. The Goodheart-Wilcox, 1485 p.
4. Ghazaly N. (2014) Applications of Finite Element Stress Analysis of Heavy Truck Chassis: Survey and Recent Development, Journal of Mechanical Design and Vibration, 2 (3), pp. 69–73.
5. Abboush M., Bamal D., Knieke Chr., Rausch A. (2022) Hardware-in-the-loop-based real-time fault injection framework for dynamic behavior analysis of automotive software systems. Sensors, 22 (4), 1360 p.
6. Fathy H. K., Filipi Z. S., Hagena J., Stein J. L. Review of hardware-in-the-loop simulation and its prospects in the automotive area. In Proceedings of the Modeling and Simulation for Military Applications, Orlando, FL, USA, 17–21 April 2006; SPIE: Bellingham,DC, USA, 2006, vol. 6228, 20 p.
7. Babamiri A., Hadian S. and Wheatley G., (2021) Fatigue and Stress Analysis of a Load Carrying Car Chassis with Reinforced Joint using Finite Elemen Method. Revista GEINTEC: Revista Gestão Inovação e Tecnologias, vol. 11, pp. 2156–2176.
8. Hubka V., Eder W. E., (1988) Theory of Technical Systems: A Total Concept Theory for Engineering Design, New York: Springer-Verlag, 275 p.
9. Lazarević M. P., (2015) Elements of mathematical phenomenology of self-organization nonlinear dynamical systems: Synergetics and fractional calculus approach, International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, vol. 73, pp. 31–42.
10. Mykola Pіdgurskyi, Yevgen Ripetskyi, and Ivan Pidgurskyi Research and simulation of load modes in the evaluation of mobile machines resource. AIP Conference Proceedings 2029, 020064 (2018), 7 p.
11. Drozdov O. V., Kharchenko V. V., Dzyuba V. S., Kravchuk L. V., Potapov O. M., Sirenko V. M., Husarova I. A., Klymenko D. V., Kharchenko V. M., Samusenko O. O. (2016) Multifunctional information and measurement system for equipping stands and installations when using models and structural elements from composite materials for durability. Problems of strength, no. 5, pp. 52–60. (In Ukrainian).
12. HBM MGCplus Operating Manual. 2018. 304 p. Available at: www.hbm.com/.
13. ECON Vibration Test Sysytem. 2022. 34 p. Available at: www.econ-group.com/.
14. Dynamic test & measurement solutions. 2021. 82 p. Available at: www.crystalinstruments.com/.
15. Babak V. P., Babak S. V., Eremenko V. S. and others under the editorship member-cor (2017). NAS of Ukraine V.P. Babaka Theoretical foundations of information and measurement systems: Textbook, 2nd ed., revised. and additional. K.: University of New Technologies; NAU, 496 p. (In Ukrainian).
16. Borysiuk D. V., Yatskovskyi V. I. (2013) Measurement and analysis systems of vibration, impact and noise. Vibrations in technology and technologies, no. 4 (72), pp. 5–12. (In Ukrainian).
17. Gillespie T. D. (2021). Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics, Revised Edition SAE International, 512p.



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