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General Information

“Scientific journal of TNTU” is a scientific journal of the Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University. Scientific papers in the following fields are accepted for publication:
Applied mathematics
Software engineering
Computer sciences
Computer engineering
System analysis
Cyber security
Mechanical engineering
Materials Science
Industrial machinery engineering
Aerospace and missile technology
Metrology and information-measuring technology
Civil Engineering and Architecture

ISSN: 2522-4433 Print
ISSN: 2522-4441 Online

The journal traced in the list of scientific journals ICI Journals Master List with 2016.

DOI: 10.33108/visnyk_tntu

The journal was set up according to the decision of the Academic Council of the Ternopil Instrument-making Institute and named “Scientific journal of the Ternopil Instrument-making Institute” ( Certificate of the state registration No 190, TP series, 06.02.1996). As a result of renaming of the Ternopil Ivan Puluj Instrument-making Institute into the Ternopil Ivan Puluj State Technical University ( Decision of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No 1563, December 30, 1996 ). “Scientific journal of the Ternopil Instrument-making Institute” was re-registered into “Scientific journal of the Ternopil State Technical University” ( Certificate of registration No 221, TP series, 16.05.1997). In 2010, as a result of gaining the status of the National University and state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine the scientific journal was named “Scientific journal of the Ternopil National Technical University” ( Certificate of registration No 16861-5624 PR, HF series, 10.06.2010).

The journal is a scientific - professional edition since 1996.
The program objective and scientific content of the Scientific journal are to promote spreading information on new scientific papers and results of scientific - mechanical engineering, materials science, civil engineering, computer sciences, applied mathematics.
Scientific journal is approved by the MES of Ukraine as the scientific specialised edition in all engineering sciences. It is published four times a year as a journal.
Since 2009 electronic versions of the articles have been deposited in the institutional repository ELARTU.
The articles with original industrilly-oriented investigations, which are of scientific value and have not been published before, are accepted for publication.
Review articles are not accepted. Requirements for the articles submition are presented below.
The editorial board carries out internal and external review of the articles
License requirements – the journal is copyright, publishing original scientific articles, containing the results of experimental and theoretical investigations, being not applied for publishing or reviewing in other editions. All information is under the license of Creative Commons Attribution License International CC-BY being reproduced or transmitted with the author’s permission and addressed to this journal. 
Open Access – “Scientific journal of TNTU” is of open access. All information is of the storage and retrieval system published free in real time for the scientific articles, posted on journal’s official site in the part “Archives”. The Editorial Board follows the publication  ethics  and professional standards to ensure the principles of transparency and quality in scientific publications ( See publication ethics ).

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